Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Thursday, 21 February 2013

NOTICEBOARD 23rd February - 11th March

Saturday 23rd February

10.30am ‘Festival of Hands’ fundraising Coffee Morning & Produce Sale in Janet Edgely’s home, 1 Pine Lawn, Old Bawn, 10.30 – 3.30pm 087 2943964.

Monday 25th February 

8pm - Parish Meeting to plan Festival of Hands, please support!

8pm - Pray for the parish upstairs in the Parish Centre, needs your support

Wednesday 27th February

11am - Lenten Holy Communion Service. Gender equality. 

8pm - Lenten Bible Study, upstairs of the Parish Centre

Thursday 28th February

8pm - Music Group practice, small hall, singers and musicians welcome.

Friday 1st March 

9.15am - Anti bullying conference in the Regency Hotel, Whitehall. €35 for more info phone 838 8888 / 087 918 0777 9.15am – 1.30pm

8pm - World Day of Prayer Service in St. Killian’s, Kingswood.

Sunday 3rd March

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11am - Holy Communion and Baptism of James Beegan son of David and Niamh.

Monday 4th March

8pm - Pray for the parish upstairs in the Parish Centre, needs your support

Tuesday 5th March

2pm - Crafty Chatters continue on each Tuesday of the month, come along with whatever craft you are working on. 2pm – 4.30pm

Wednesday 6th March

11am - Lenten Holy Communion Service. Gender equality. 

8pm - Lenten Bible Study, upstairs of the Parish Centre

Saturday 9th March

10am - Bishop Patrick Rooke Churches Ministry of Healing, Quiet Day in the Megeough Home, Cowper Rd. Bring sandwiches, tea, coffee and soup available. 10.00am  - 3pm.

Sunday 10th March

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11am - Morning Prayer, Mothering Sunday.

Monday 11th March 

8pm Mothers Union meeting, small hall parish centre.

8pm - Pray for the parish upstairs in the Parish Centre, needs your support