Sunday 6th January - The Epiphany
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11am - Holy Communion & Baptism of Toby, son of Niall
& Sandra Gibney.
Monday 7th January
8pm - Pray for the Parish’ upstairs of the
parish centre, needs your support.
9pm - Bible Study of the readings for the
following Sunday, Parish Centre.
Tuesday 8th January
Tuesday 8th January
7pm - Talk on ‘Murder of Honor Bright’ by
Gerry Lovett, Tallaght Library.
Sunday 13th January
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11am - Morning Prayer.
Monday 14th January
8pm - Select
Vestry meeting in the Long Room of the Parish Centre
Friday 18th January
7.30pm - Mother’s Union
‘Christmas’ dinner, The Blazin’ Grill, Tallaght.
8pm - Pray for the Parish’ upstairs of the
parish centre, needs your support.
9pm - Bible Study of the readings for the
following Sunday, Parish Centre.
Wednesday 16th January
2.30pm - School Board of Management meeting
in the Parish Primary School, Kilclare Ave., Jobstown.
Friday 18th January
7.30pm - Boy’s Brigade resumes after
Christmas break.
Sunday 20th Jabuary
8.30am - Holy Communion
Sunday 20th Jabuary
8.30am - Holy Communion.
11am - Holy Communion.
3pm - Christian Unity Week service in St. Aidan’s, Brookfield
Rd, Rector preaching.
Monday 21st January
8pm - Whist drive in the small hall, all welcome.
8pm - Pray for the Parish’ upstairs of the
parish centre, needs your support.
9pm - Bible Study of the readings for the
following Sunday, Parish Centre.
Friday 25th January
10am - Parish reunion coffee morning in the
small hall 10am – 12pm
Sunday 27th January
11am - Family Service