Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Thursday, 29 November 2012

December 2012

From the Rector
We had our gift day on 18th November, thank you all who gave, it really is much appreciated. We had 2 extremely generous donations which has brought the figure raised, as we go to print, of approximately €11,000. This amount will go towards the loss of income from the car boot sales and the loss of Weight Watchers as tenants allowing us to limp into another year. As the New Year approaches please consider giving by weekly envelope, which allows you to plan your giving or by monthly bankers order. Contact the parish office to arrange either 462 6006.

On the 6th November the church hosted the I.T.T. business prizes and on the 7th and 8th , I attended the college’s conferrals in the Victory Centre. It was lovely to see the students and their families celebrating the culminations of their studies, among which there were a couple of parishioners. On 9th November we had  a Remembrance Service for deceased students and staff of the I.T.T in St. Maelruain’s Church.

I attended the Discovery service in Christchurch Cathedral organised by our former Curate Obinna on 18th November and on the 21st November I took part in the Remembrance Service in  Mt. Seskin Community College (formerly Jobstown College) for the 1st years and answered questions on the Church of Ireland afterwards.

Victims support celebrated 25 years in Tallaght  also on 21st November, they are there to support all who have been victims of crime however small, contact them on 459 9511 or 085 154 0378,

On 23rd Nov. I attended the Tallaght Person of the Year, Amy had been nominated for her voluntary work overseas. It was in the Maldron Hotel this year, a new and bigger venue for the event, and it worked out well with the circular tables.

On the evening of the 25th I went along to the ‘Massey’ Christmas Concert in St. Aengus, Balrothery, it was truly a magnificent evening. They are having another one in the Church of the Holy Spirit, Ballyroan, Rathfarnham, on 15th Dec at 8pm, I would highly recommend it at €10 a ticket for concert hall standard.

May I take this opportunity to wish all the readers of the parish newsletter a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.                                                                                                                                                                William.

The funeral of Jean Furney took place here in St. Maelruain’s on Thursday 8th November. We extend our condolences to her husband Norman, sons Gary and Paul, to her daughter in law Michelle, to granddaughter Heather and to the wider family circle.

Jean’s ashes were buried on Wednesday 28th November  in the Church graveyard.


On 25th November Darragh John Beckett, baby son of David and Edel was baptised. Please pray for Darragh as he begins his Christian life.

The Church Review
Subscriptions for the Church Review are due in January, Please forward your sub to the parish office as soon as possible. If you would like to cancel your subscription or if you would like to order the Church Review (Diocesan Magazine) please contact the parish office by 13th December 462 6006.

The Church of Ireland Gazette
If you would like to subscribe to the Church of Ireland all Ireland weekly newspaper please contact the Parish office.

Bowls Club
The Christmas dinner is on December 8th in Lucan Golf Club. No club nights until 12th January.  Wishing all members a very happy Christmas. Congratulations to Bill and Anne Gould on becoming grandparents to twin boys!

Parish Reunion Coffee Morning
We have enjoyed renewing old friendships and making new friendships at our coffee mornings recently.  Thank you to everyone for your support and for your generous donations.  We are taking a rest over Christmas and hope to see everyone again in the Old Hall on Friday January 25th 10am - 12noon.  We wish you all a very Happy and Healthy Christmas and Peaceful New Year.  Barbara, Gina and Vivienne.

Mother’s Union
On Monday 12th November Amy Deverell gave a presentation on her recent trip to Uganda followed by a lengthy questions and answers session.  Very many thanks Amy for taking time out to speak to us.  We were very pleased to welcome some friends of the craft group along.
At the Diocesan Meeting in Sandymount on Saturday 17th Nov. a request was made for little hats for very premature babies slightly bigger than an egg cosy.
Diary Dates: Monday 10th December: Festive Night/Beetle Drive; Please bring along supper item other than mince pies!
Saoirse: For December please bring along box sweets/biscuits/hamper along with black plastic sacks they have requested.
 Monday 14th January 2013 – Annual Dinner – Blazin Grill, Tallaght. 7.30pm for 8pm.
Wishing all a wonderful festive season!

Whist Drive
The ‘Turkey’ Drive for December will take place on Monday 17th  at 8.00pm, all welcome!

Flower Guild
The church will be decorated for Christmas on Friday 14th December from 2.30pm – 4.30pm. Donations of flowers, greenery and festive decorations gratefully received. A warm welcome awaits anybody who would like to help, male of female!

School News
We are all delighted to welcome the Archbishop Reverend Michael Jackson to the school on the morning of December 4th to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the School. There will be a Tree Planting Ceremony in the courtyard at 10.30. We will also have some old photos on display in the hall to bring back some happy memories.

5th and 6th class hosted Assembly on Thursday 29th November, the theme was Daniel and the Lion’s Den, we had parents in attendance. On Thursday 13th December Junior infants will perform their nativity play.

As you are all probably aware school grants have been cut and the school is finding it difficult to pay the bills this year so we have decided to produce a School Calendar to help raise funds. We hope you will buy either the personalised one with your child’s photo on the front for €10 or the regular one with the staff on the front cover for €8. An ideal Christmas gift! Please contact the school office to place your order. 4521 7933.

The School Church service will be on Tuesday December 18th at 11am in St. Maelruain’s Church.

Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year to all the readers of the parish Newsletter from everybody here in the parish school!