Sun 31st 8.30am Holy Communion. Gen 31: 22 – 32 Matt 14: 13 - 21
11.00am Morning Prayer. Rev. Avril Bennett.
Wed 3rd 1st Wednesday of the month Holy Communion cancelled.
Sun 7th 8.30am Holy Communion. Gen 37: 1 – 4, 12 – 28 Matt 14: 22 - 33
11.00am Holy Communion. Rev John Marchant, recently retired DCU Chaplain.
Sun 14th 8.30am Holy Communion. Gen 45: 1 – 15 Matt 15: (10 – 20) 21 – 28
11.00am Morning Prayer.
Thurs 18th 8.00pm Music group practice in the small hall, singers & musicians
Sun 21st 8.30am Holy Communion. Ex. 1: 8 – 2:10 Matt 16: 13 - 20
11.00am Holy Communion.
Tues 23rd 8.00pm Mother’s Union committee meeting, 1 Pine Lawn, Old Bawn.
Thurs 25th 8.00pm Music group practice in the small hall, singers & musicians
Sun 28th 8.00pm Holy Communion. Ex. 3: 1 – 15 Matt. 16: 21 – 28
11.00am Family Service. Teas ……………….. & …………………..
Tues 30th 2.15pm Primary School board of management meeting in the school,
Kilclare Ave. Jobstown.
7.30am Hall allocation meeting in the Long Room of the Parish Centre.
(Note change of date from 23rd).
Sun 4th 8.30am Holy Communion.
11.00am Holy Communion.
Church of Ireland (Anglican Communion), Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland
- St Maelruain's Parish
- Welcome to the St. Maelruain's Church of Ireland Community Blog. The Parish Office can be reached by telephone or Fax at 01-462-6006. Rector: Rev. William Deverell's mobile phone number is 086-803-0239. Auxiliary: Rev A. Bennett – 01-628-2353. You can email us at
Service Times
Service Times
Each Sunday8.30 am:
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.
11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer