Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Noticeboard 19/04/2009

St. Maelruain’s Church of Ireland, Tallaght Village
Rector: Rev. William Deverell – 086 80 30 239
Shared Curate Rev Obinna Ulogwara – 495 8710 Auxiliary Priest Rev A. Bennett – 628 2353

Sunday 19th April 2009
Holy Communion

Sun 19th,
2nd Sunday of Easter

8.30am Holy Communion
Mark 11: 1-11, Pg 1016; John 12: 12 - 16, Pg 1079
11.00am Shortened Morning Prayer, FOLLOWED by EASTER VESTRY: an opportunity for you to see how your parish is doing and to elect the vestry (committee) who run it on your behalf.

Mon 20th
8.00pm Whist Drive in the Small Hall of the Parish Centre.

Tues 21st
7.45pm Music Group Practics in the church. Singers and Musicians welcome.

Sat 25th
7.30pm Boys' Brigade Display in the Parish Centre.

Sun 26th
3rd Sunday of Easter
8.30am Holy Communion.
11.00am Family Service

Mon 27th
9.00pm Future of the Badminton Club meeting in the parish centre.

Tues 28th
7.30pm Bowling Club AGM in the parish centre.

8.00pm Women’s World Day of Prayer evaluation meeting in the parish centre.

Sat 2nd May
3.00pm Girls' Brigade Display in the parish centre.

Sun 3rd,
4th Sun of Easter
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Holy Communion

Wed 6th
11.00am First Wednesday of the Month with Laying on of Hands for the Sick

Sat 9th
10.00 am First Car Boot Sale of the season in the car park of the parish centre. For more information phone the parish office 462 6006.

Sun 10th,
5th Sun of Easter
8.30am Holy Communion

11.00am Morning Prayer. Start of Christian Aid week, Tendai Madondo speaking.

Wed 13th
11.00am ‘Drop in Centre’ Coffee morning in aid of Christian Aid Week in the small hall, all welcome.

Parents: T.V video showing Christian cartoons in vestry should your younger children require. Parents may continue to listen to the service on the vestry loudspeaker.

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Rector's Letter April 2009

A word from William……

Ash Wednesday was the beginning of our Lenten Services. We have been using the Churches Ministry of Healing’s “Soul Spark’s” course whose aim is to aid the development of one’s own spirituality and prayer life.

The Tallaght Women’s World Day of Prayer service took place in St. Mark’s, Springfield. It was an enjoyable service and evening.

Mark Patton, a young parishioner who had only been married in St. Maelruain's a couple of years ago sadly died on St. Patrick’s night last year. It was lovely to see all his family at our St. Patrick’s day service and hope that it was some comfort to them.

On the afternoon of St. Patrick’s day I attended the “naming ceremony’”(an African tradition) of James and Precious Osingua’s baby daughter, Anna. You may recall that James was Church Warden a few years ago.

At 8pm that evening there was an enjoyable concert in the Church featuring the Irish Variety Ensemble, a brass and reed musical evening in aid of the Church roof. The concert was followed by refreshments in the small hall.

On 20th March there was a lunch in the Davenport Hotel for Nicky Gumble, co-author of the Alpha Course. He reported how attendance at his own course was up by 30% reflecting peoples changing attitudes in the current financial crisis. He said to was not a time for the church to withdraw but a time for the church to step up.

On Sunday 22nd our Good News Club hosted the tea and coffee after Church in aid of the Sunday School Societies 200th Anniversary Project “Sightsavers” and €400 was raised. Thank you to all who donated.

I would like to wish all readers of the Losset a very Happy Easter.

God Bless


DG Camps

D&G Camps (Dublin and Glendalough Camps)

D & G camps (formerly Youth Alive camps) are the Church of Ireland Youth camps & are run by 3Rock Youth. The aims of the camps are community, fun & general craziness in an environment where youth will be comfortable learning about God & their faith

D & G camps are run in Gurteen, an Agriculture College in Tipperary. Campus facilities include a heated swimming pool, tennis and basketball courts, sports centre, indoor and outdoor horse arenas and a floodlit pitch.

What goes on ?
Madness! From messy games to swimming galas, “Dangerous Olympics” to the fittest man and women and we will be also be looking forward to seeing the come back of our many stars from last year and some new ones too!

July 5th – 11th Junior Camp 10 – 12 years
July 12th – 18th Senior Camp 13 + years

Susan Conolly
C/o 3Rock Youth, St. Ann’s Church, Dawson Street or 639 4863

There is bus that transports the children to Gurteen leaving from the Custom House and also picking up in Lucan.

Mothers' Union

At our meeting on 9th March we welcomed Claire Missen, Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy who spoke to us on “Relationship Matters.”

The Mother’s Union Variety Show in the National Concert Hall on 24th March was greatly enjoyed by those of us who went along and of course we had the privilege of seeing our very own “Rectory Cat” on stage!

Our A.G.M. will be on Monday 6th April, following service for Holy Week at 8pm. As we are having a Bring & Buy Sale please bring along some items for sale.

Visit to Armagh Cathedral & St Patricks Trian Visitor - Centre
16th May 2009.
Reminder: Payment in full by Monday 6th April.
Cost per person €55 to include morning refreshments
and four course evening meal.

We are delighted that once again Clondalkin Mothers Union Members will join with us.

As always, our meeting is open to anyone who cares to attend - you will be most welcome, if you would like more information on our outing please contact Valerie or myself. We will also be delighted for suggestions for next year’s meetings.

St Maelruain’s Mothers Union Project: SAOIRSE.

SAOIRSE – Earlier in the month I delivered our hand washes donated at February meeting and they have asked me to say a big thank you to all you generous people donating each month to this worthy cause..

April donations: Tea towels and small hand towels -

Finally, for those of you having celebrations during the month can we again remind you of the cards available in the porch, crafted by some of our members, in aid of the Roof Fund…please support their efforts!

Miriam Gibney & Valerie Deverell

Boys' Brigade

Our annual display will take place on Sat. 25th April in the parish centre. We are delighted that Mr Douglas Bailey, our former Captain, has agreed to be our Inspecting Officer at our display this year and we all look forward to seeing him again. All members are being graded for awards at the moment.

Dublin Fire Brigade visited us recently and brought along one of their fire engines to show us all it’s functions and tell us all about their work. Everybody had a chance to use the powerful hose and some had the chance to dress up in the firemen’s uniforms.......a little too large for all, but very entertaining! Many thanks to the fire crew from Belgard Fire Station and to John Donoghue for arranging the visit through Dublin Fire Brigade Headquarters.

Many thanks also to John who was granted a donation for his work with the Company on behalf of AIB Better Ireland Awards. This donation has been passed to the treasurer for use within the company and no doubt is a welcome addition to funds. Our thanks to AIB Better Ireland Fund for this generous donation.

Junior section went for a hike around Howth Head recently with other BB members from the Dublin battalion. The boys were lucky to come across a practise rescue on the head and had one of the participants explain the exercise to them. This was an added bonus to the hike, which is always a most enjoyable outing, even if all are exhausted and a little foot sore after!!!

Congratulations to Junior Section boys who won the Battalion Drama Shield in March. Their drama ‘Everybody Hurts’ was very moving and the judge was most complimentary in her remarks. The drama required accurate timing and expression and the boys had practised hard in previous weeks to perfect it. It is hoped that they will perform the drama at the morning service soon. Well done to Enoch, Lionel, Anthony, Senan, Jordan, Denzel and Adam who performed on the night and did the company and St. Maelruain's proud. We rounded off the night with a trip to McDonalds for boys and parents who came along to support.

School News

Well the big news of the month was definitely our Whole School Evaluation (WSE)! Ms. Eileen O’Sullivan spent the week of 23rd February with us. We await the report at this stage and hope that our school receives a positive and encouraging evaluation.

Our school uniform was introduced in September 1996. We have decided that it needs to be brought in to the 21st century and we are changing the colour of the polo-shirt to a rather fetching yellow. It looks lovely and the majority of the school community are happy with it. We are also using a new supplier and the parents will be able to buy the uniform directly from the shop rather than the school having to order for them. This will be a great help to our wonderful secretary, Ms. Karen Mooney. Karen is normally tripping over uniforms for June and September!

The children in Junior and Senior Infants with Mrs. Edel Beckett and Ms. Geraldine Healy, Special Needs Assistant (SNA) and Edel’s Mum, Mrs. Yvonne McGlynn went to the Tallaght Library on Monday 9th March for a bi-lingual Drama of “The Three Little Pigs,” it was enjoyed by all.

5th and 6th class are going to the Zoo on Friday 20th March. They are doing a project on Nature/Wildlife.

The Basketball Tournament organised by Tallaght Community Gardaí will take place on Tuesday 31st March in the National Basketball

The children in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th class have been busy planting the various fruit and vegetables that were sent to all the schools this year from Agri Aware. It’s a really good project and the children love watching everything growing and of course finally eating them!

Once again we will be involved in the Skipathon this year. The money raised is for the Irish Heart Foundation.

School will close for the Easter Vacation on Friday 3rd April, re-opening for the summer term on Monday 20th April.

Bowling Club

The Finals matches of both the Miller & Hope competitions were held in our hall on Sat. 21st. March last. Congratulations to Finglas and to St. Matthias, Ballybrack who were the winners of the Cups respectively.

Our Rohu team had a successful season and again reached the final match which was held in Kill o’the Grange on Thurs. 26th. March against Whitechurch. Unfortunately we lost out for the second year running in winning the Rohu Cup, but congratulations goes to Whitechurch who were the better team on the night.

The Bowling season ends with the Bowling Association annual dinner and presenting of the cups to the winning teams, to be held in the Stillorgan Park Hotel on 3rd. April 2009. Our club competitions will continue for a few weeks more, ending with our AGM, the date yet to be decided.

Summer Sale Saturday 6th June

Your Church Needs You!!

How can you help to make the 2009 Sale a great success??

Volunteer to help on a stall, sell raffle tickets, buy raffle tickets, make a donation to the raffle and donate items for the various stalls. Come on the day and stay for tea / coffee!!

Any enquiries to Ronnie Scott 086 804 5090

Easter Vestry

The Easter Vestry (AGM) will take place on Sunday 19th April at 11.30pm following a shortened 11am Morning Prayer Service in the Church.

This is an opportunity for you to come and see how the parish is doing. It is also an opportunity for you to have the chance to elect our Select Vestry (new committee) who run the parish on your behalf.

Whist Drive

We held our March Drive on Monday 16th which was well attended.

Donations of Raffle Prizes are always much appreciated.

The next Whist Drive will take place on Monday April 20th in the Small Hall of the Parish Centre at 8.00pm

Hon. Sec. George Furney

Monday, 6 April 2009

Noticeboard 05/04/2009

St. Maelruain’s Church of Ireland, Tallaght Village
Rector: Rev. William Deverell – 086 80 30 239
Shared Curate Rev Obinna Ulogwara – 495 8710 Auxiliary Priest Rev A. Bennett – 628 2353

Sunday 5th April 2009
Holy Communion

Sun 5th, Palm Sunday
8.30am Holy Communion
Mark 11: 1-11, Pg 1016; John 12: 12 - 16, Pg 1079
11.00am Holy Communion.

Mon 6th
8.00pm Holy Week Service.

Mothers' Union AGM and sale following the Holy Week service. Please bring €55 for M.U. trip and also towels or tea towels for the 'SAOIRSE' M.U. project.

Tues 7th
8.00pm Holy Week Service.

Music Group practice following the Holy Week service. Singers and musicians welcome.

Wed 8th
8.00pm Holy Week Service.

Thurs 9th
8.00pm Maundy Thursday (last supper Holy Communion).

Fri 10th
11.00am Good Friday Ante Communion
8.00pm Good Friday Ante Communion

Sat 11th
10.00am Decoration of Church for Easter. Donations of flowers, greenery and decoration gratefully received. A warm welcome awaits any helpers. No experience necessary!

Sun 12th
Easter Sunday
8.30am Holy Communion Acts 10: 34 - 43, Pg. 1104; Mark 16: 1 - 8, Pg. 1024
11.00am Easter Sunday Holy Communion

Mon 13th
8.00pm Concert in the Church featuring traditional Swedish musicians, FIKA, along with LONNRA, who are traditional Irish musicians.

Rector will be away for a few days, but will be available on his mobile phone: 086 803 0239.

Sun 19th
2nd Sunday of Easter
8.30 am Holy Communion
11.00am Shortened Morning Prayer, FOLLOWED by EASTER VESTRY: An opportunity for you to see how your parish is doing and to elect the vestry (committee) who run it on your behalf.

Mon 20th
8.00pm Whist Drive in the Small Hall of the Parish Centre.

Parents: T.V video showing Christian cartoons in vestry should your younger children require. Parents may continue to listen to the service on the vestry loudspeaker.