Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Rector's Letter - A Word From William

The church was the venue for the I.T.T. business prize giving on 4th November. Local businesses who donate the prizes award them to the students in the pleasant surroundings of the church. It is lovely to see the church filled with local young people and their families. The ceremony was followed by a reception in the college.

On Sunday the 11th November we had our Confirmation Service preceded by act of Remembrance. We were delighted to welcome the Archbishop this year for confirmation as last year we had only one candidate who joined the candidates in Whitechurch. This year we had two candidates and as one of them has special needs the Archbishop was willing to come to St. Maelruain's despite the small number. It was a pleasure for me to prepare Megan McKim and Sarah McAllister almost on a one on one basis and it was also a pleasure for the bishop to confirm them especially as he was able to spend time with the families after the service when we were over in the hall for tea / coffee.

On Monday 20th in my role as part time chaplain to the I. T.T. I was invited by the Dublin Institute of Technology to a discussion with the Church of Ireland chaplains of Trinity College and UCD in DIT Merrion Square, along with the RC Chaplains, on how to ‘reach’ students. It was interesting to hear the viewpoints of other chaplains.

On Friday 21st I attended the ‘Tallaght Person of the Year’. This year the recipient was Gerry Bates. Gerry is a R.E. teacher in Old Bawn Community College. He was awarded this honour for his work in the community and as chairperson of the board of the drug rehabilitation programme in St. Dominic’s contact food.

At the end of the month I was interviewed by three groups of Our Lady’s Templeogue secondary school transition year students on the differences between the Church of Ireland and the Roman Catholic Church. As I told them, in my opinion the differences are more on how the churches are run by their respective higher archery that in what we believe.

May I take this opportunity to wish all the readers of the Losset a very joyous Christmas and in this time of recession maybe, a more reflective one, and a healthy and happy New Year.

God Bless