Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Noticeboard 21/09/2008

St. Maelruain’s Church of Ireland, Tallaght Village
Rector: Rev. William Deverell – 086 80 30 239
Shared Curate Rev Obinna Ulogwara – 495 8710 Auxiliary Priest Rev A. Bennett – 628 2353

Sun 21st September 2008, 18th Sun after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion Ex 16: 2-15, Pg. 74; Matt 20: 1-16, Pg. 987

11.00am Holy Communion and Baptism of Lucy Gibney, daughter of Niall and Sandra. (Rev. Obinna Ulogwara in Whitechurch).

Tues 23rd
4.00pm Children's Irish Dancing Classes with Edel Meckett (nee McGlynn) in the small hall. Phone 087 416 7540 for more information.

7.35pm Music group practice in the church. Singers and musicians welcome.

Wed 24th
7.00pm Adult Irish Dancing Classes with Edel Beckett, details as above.

Thurs 25th
10.00am St. Mary's Hme, Pembroke Park, Autumn Fair in St. Conleth's College, Clyde Rd. Entrance €2 -- Lunch €9.

Fri 26th
Blessing of the marriage of Jennifer O'Donnell and Keith Gantley.

Sun 28th, 19th Sun after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion Ex 20: 1-4, 7-9, 12-20, Pg. 77; Matt 21: 33-46, Pg. 990.

11.00am Family Service. Baptism of Jaleel Lawrence Olisalukwue, baby son of Austin and Grace Nwanze

Wed 1st
11.00am First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion and laying on of hands for the sick.

Fri 3rd October
7.30pm Diocesan Schools Service in Christchurch Cathedral. Preacher Rev. Andrew McCroskery.

Sat 4th
10.30am Mothers' Union meeting for visit to Glencree Reconconcilliation Centre.

6.00pm Launch of TALC (Tallaght Anti Litter Campaign) in the Plaza Hotel.

Sun 5th, 20th Sun after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion.
11.00 am Holy Communion.

2.30pm Christian Aid sponsored family walk in the Phoenix Park. Ph. 611 0801 for more information.

Mon 6th
7.30pm Help! I'm a Sunday School Teacher! in the Sunday School Society, Rathmines.

Parents: T.V video showing Christian cartoons in vestry should your younger children require. Parents may continue to listen to the service on the vestry loudspeaker.


There is a Creche available for babies and children up to four in the kitchen of the Parish Centre. No Creche on Family Sunday. Children may be left off after 10.45am. For more info, click here.



Crossroads is based in Dublin, a club for young Church of Ireland people. We have membership of approximately 70 people ranging in age form 25-40 with a mixed 50:50 male: female split.

The club plans a variety of activities each month including weekends away, go Karting, hill walking, horse/greyhound racing, bowling, pitch and putt, visiting historic buildings, theatre nights, musical nights, BBQs and social night out in Dublin and surrounding counties. We have a regular event where we meet on the last Thursday night of each month in the bar of Buswell's Hotel.

Committee members:
David Thomas 085 727 2019,
Doreen Reidy: 086 087 4990,
Mary Daly 087 223 0103,
Sean McCabe 087 944 5722,
Steven McGarry 087 764 7868,
Hazel Williams 087 636 3101,
Robin Cole 086 370 2838

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Boys' Brigade

Boys' Brigade will open on September 19th at 7.30pm for all sections. We are looking forward to seeing all our old members back and would welcome any boy over the age of five to join us.

If you have a boy who would like to come along to try Boys' Brigade, why not try the opening night? Perhaps he might have a friend to bring along too!

For further information, phone Regina or John at 4522930 after 6pm.


Now that the Autumn is here the badminton club will be re-starting on Monday nights from the beginning of September. We play from 7.30 p.m until we run out of energy!

To keep us going a little longer we make time for a cup of tea and to share our news and maybe the odd joke. We look forward to seeing all the familiar faces back with us this autumn and would welcome new members also.

If you think you might like to give it a go just drop down some Monday to the Parish Centre. We can lend you a racket all you need is a pair of runners and a bit of energy!


The Bowling Club will re open on Saturday 20th September '08 at 7.30pm.

Parishoners and friends would be very welcome to come down and have a try at bowling. You can contact our Captain, Bill Gould, at 097 986 4551, or just come down on the night and have a go!

Mothers Union......(Families First)

Would you like to meet with some of our parishioners at our regular monthly meetings?

Mothers Union extend a warm welcome to you to our opening service in St Maelruain’s at 8pm on Monday 8th September followed by a brief meeting when we will launch our programme for the coming year, supper and lively chatter on....etc. etc.

Please do come and get to know us ........

A group of us will be travelling to Arklow on Wed 10th September for the MU area service. We will arrange transport following our own service on Mon 8th .


After a wet and miserable summer we resume our cards for the winter. Thanks to everyone who supported us each month and also to those who donated items for our raffle.

We begin our new season on Monday 15th September in the small hall at 8.00pm. – George Furney, Hon.Sec.

School News

Yes, it’s September and we are back to school, although you don’t normally hear from us this early in the year! However, I thought I’d let you know that at last the new building has started. It will be great to finally have a Parent’s room and a proper Learning Support / Resource Room! We do have a little problem though, the architect has informed us that we are short about €5,000. If you have any suggestions as to how we may raise this money or wish to make a donation to the school, we would be eternally grateful. Thank you, Iris. 452 7933


The funeral of Pat O’Halloran took place here in St. Maelruain's on 12th June. We express our deepest condolences to his wife Ann O’Halloran, his family and friends.

The funeral of Iris Beattie took place on Tuesday 22nd July. We also express our deepest sympathy to her husband Nigel, to her daughters Sarah, Ruth and Clare and to the rest of her family and friends.


On Sunday 22nd July Rueben McDermott son of Jenny and John was baptized.

On Sat 23rd August Grace Brennan daughter of Ingrid and John was also baptized. We pray for Rueben and Grace and their families as they begin their Christian lives.


It was a busy summer for weddings!

On Thursday 3rd July Jennifer Hone and Michael Kenny were married.

On the following Sunday 6th July Ashling McQuillan and Gerard McGrath were also married.

Thursday 10th July saw the wedding of David Gould and Natalia Rodriguez. Natalia is Peruvian and has been living in Ireland for a number of years. We were delighted to welcome her family to St. Maelruain's for her wedding day.

Friday 18th July saw the marriage of our parish school’s vice principal Edel McGlynn to fellow teacher David Beckett.

We congratulate these couples and wish them every happiness for the future.


Archbishop Ademowo and the RectorWe bring you the good news of the visit of The Archbishop of The Province of Lagos, Nigeria, The Most Rev Dr Ephraim Adebola Ademowo (OON, FNAL) and his amiable wife Mrs. Oluranti I Ademowo.

Archbishop Ademowo and his wife arrived on Saturday 9th August 2008. They worshipped in our sister parish Whitechurch Parish where he preached and baptized his first grandchild John Ayomide Adebola. They were later treated to a sumptuous Dinner by The Archbishop of Dublin and his wife The Most Rev Dr John and Betty Neill in the Orlagh Retreat Centre.

The Archbishop and his wife also visited our two cathedrals, St Patrick and Christ church where they were accorded official reception and guided tour of the institutions. They later visited the Archbishop of Dublin in his house and after that paid a courtesy call on the Nigerian High Commission in Dublin.

They were full of praise of the warmth of the Irish people and their hospitality and said they will be visiting more frequently.

Archbishop Ademowo was presented with a special 60th Birthday card at the Dinner by Canon Patrick Comerford on behalf of the members of The International Community.

Rev Obinna Ulogwara was formally from The Diocese of Lagos and he was Chaplain to The Archbishop before his secondment to the Diocese of Dublin and Glendalough.

The Dinner was attended by Tallaght Parishioners as well as the good Rector, Rev William Deverell.

Archbishop Ademowo has since gone back and wishes us all every blessing with a grateful heart.
- Obinna

Summer Sale Results

Ronnie Scott would like to thank all those who helped in any way at the Summer Sale. It would be difficult to name all those who helped but please be assured that all contributions were appreciated. The sale would be impossible to organise if it weren’t for those who are so willing to help.

We would like to thank Ronnie for all his hard work and enthusiasm for co-ordinating the summer sale . We are very grateful to you and to all those who put the time and effort into making the sale a success. - William

Summer Sale Results

Books 494.67
Bottle Stall 383.49
Bric-a-Brac 349.38
Cakes and Groceries 662.47
Entrance Gate 523.83
Furniture 658.60
Gifts 528.66
Jewellery 181.00
Lucky Dip 45.82
Plants 257.00
Popcorn, Candy floss 64.09
Raffle (less prizes purchased) 1442.00
Teas 256.45
Toys 195.34
Donations 380.00

Total €6,423.00


I am delighted to be able to report that John Thomas, last year’s Church Warden has been discharged from hospital.

John, one of our Indian parishioners, was seriously ill in Beaumont Hospital and subsequently in Tallaght Hospital following brain surgery.

John has made a remarkable recovery so far. It was lovely to see him walk, with assistance, into Church and to receive a phone call from him (in English – his second language) while I was on holidays to let me know that he had been discharged from hospital. Remarkable, considering his prognosis was that it was unlikely that he would walk or talk.

We thank God for his recovery so far and we pray for his continued progress at home with the support of his wife Annama and their children Sybil and Sharon.

Harvest Service

This year’s Harvest Service will take place on Friday 10th October. The preacher will be Rev Andrew McCroskery, the new Rector in St. Bartholomew’s, Clyde Rd, former Rector in Youghal.

Archbishop of Dublin’s Course in Theology

This two year course will take place on Saturday mornings from October – May in the Church of Ireland Theological College, Churchtown. The closing date for application is 30th September.

This course provides a programme of study, leading participants to a greater understanding of the Christian faith. It is open to everyone who wishes to explore the Christian faith at a deeper level. No previous study is necessary. For more information have a look at the diocesan website

An Cosán

An Cosán invite applications for a one year NUI Maynooth Certificate in a counselling skills course. This course is aimed at those engaged in the caring professions, human resources or those working in the community or voluntary sector. The course will be run at An Cosan on Wednesday evenings. Please contact Lisa Betts at 462 8488 or email

Rathcoole Incinerator

There is growing concern in our community about the impact of a proposed incinerator which would burn 365,000 tonnes of waste per annum near Rathcoole.

The Rector and a number of parishioners attended a public meeting on the issue in July, where speakers from community groups, South Dublin County Council and the Irish Doctors Environmental Association raised serious concerns about the possible affects on health and the environment.

An Bord Pleanala will decide on the application later in the year.

Mission to Seafarers Ireland

Mission to Seafarers in Dublin Port are urgently in need of volunteers to man their centre each evening in the Port.

If you can spare 2 or 3 hours weekly, fortnightly or whenever, please contact Rev. Willie Black or any member of Mission to Seafarers. No experience necessary.

Functions include welcoming seafarers and assisting with phones and the shop in the centre, there is also email for the seafarers in the centre but volunteers do not need computer experience.

If you feel you would like to volunteer or would like more information please phone Rev Willie Black at 01-832 3141.


The Archbishop with be coming to visit on Sunday 9th November for our Confirmation Service. If you or your child is interested in being confirmed please contact the Rector as soon as possible as classes will be starting soon. 086 608 3657.

Noticeboard 07/09/2008

St. Maelruain’s Church of Ireland, Tallaght Village
Rector: Rev. William Deverell – 086 80 30 239
Shared Curate Rev Obinna Ulogwara – 495 8710 Auxiliary Priest Rev A. Bennett – 628 2353

Sun 7th September 2008, 16th Sun after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion Ex. 12: 1-14, Pg 68; Matt. 15-20, Pg 985
11.00am Holy Communion

Mon 8th
8.00pm Mothers' Union opening service followed by short meeting and refreshments.

Tues 9th
7.45pm Music Group Practice in Church. Singers and musicians welcome.

Wed 10th
Vestry Meeting postponed until Wednesday 17th September.

8.00pm Mothers' Union Area opening service in Arklow.

Sun 14th, 17th Sun after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion Ex. 14: 19-31, Pg 72; Matt 18: 21-35, Pg 986.

11.00am Morning Prayer. Rev. Obinna Ulogwara in Whitechurch.

Thurs 18th
8.00pm Table Tennis Club resumes.

Fri 19th
7.30pm Boys' Brigade resumes.

Sat 20th
7.30pm Exhibition of stained glass and artefacts of St. Maithi's, Dundrum

7.30pm Bowling Club resumes.

Sun 21st, 18th Sun after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion

11.00am Holy Communion and Baptism of Lucy Gibney, daughter of Niall and Sandra. Rev. Obinna Ulogwara in Whitechurch.

Tues 23rd
7.35pm Music group practice in the church. Singers and musicians welcome.

Fri 26th
Blessing of the marriage of Jennifer O'Donnell and Keith Gantley.

Sun 28th, 19th Sun after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion

11.00am Family Service

Wed 1st
11.00am First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion and laying on of hands for the sick.

Parents: T.V video showing Christian cartoons in vestry should your younger children require. Parents may continue to listen to the service on the vestry loudspeaker.


There is a Creche available for babies and children up to four in the kitchen of the Parish Centre. No Creche on Family Sunday. Children may be left off after 10.45am. For more info, click here.



Crossroads is based in Dublin, a club for young Church of Ireland people. We have membership of approximately 70 people ranging in age form 25-40 with a mixed 50:50 male: female split.

The club plans a variety of activities each month including weekends away, go Karting, hill walking, horse/greyhound racing, bowling, pitch and putt, visiting historic buildings, theatre nights, musical nights, BBQs and social night out in Dublin and surrounding counties. We have a regular event where we meet on the last Thursday night of each month in the bar of Buswell's Hotel.

Committee members:
David Thomas 085 727 2019,
Doreen Reidy: 086 087 4990,
Mary Daly 087 223 0103,
Sean McCabe 087 944 5722,
Steven McGarry 087 764 7868,
Hazel Williams 087 636 3101,
Robin Cole 086 370 2838

Noticeboard 31/08/2008

St. Maelruain’s Church of Ireland, Tallaght Village
Rector: Rev. William Deverell – 086 80 30 239
Shared Curate Rev Obinna Ulogwara – 495 8710 Auxiliary Priest Rev A. Bennett – 628 2353

Sun 31st August 2008, 15th Sun after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion.
Ex 3: 1-15, Pg. 59. Matt 16: 21-28, Pg. 984

11.00am Morning Prayer.

Mon 1st September
7.30pm Badminton Club resumes.

Wed 3rd
11.00am First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying on of hands for the sick.

Wedding of Lesley Hughes and Theresa McGuire.

Sat 6th
10.00am CAR BOOT SALE in the Car Park of the Parish Centre.

Sun 7th, 16th Sun after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion
Ex. 12: 1-14, Pg 68; Matt. 15-20, Pg 985
11.00am Holy Communion

Mon 8th
8.00pm Mothers' Union opening service followed by short meeting and refreshments.

Tues 9th
7.45pm Music Group Practice in Church. Singers and musicians welcome.

Wed 10th
8.00pm Vestry Meeting in the Long Room of the parish centre.

8.00pm Mothers' Union Area opening service in Arklow.

Sun 14th, 17th Sun after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion Ex. 14: 19/31, Pg 72; Matt 18: 21-35, Pg 986.

11.00am Morning Prayer.

Thurs 18th
8.00pm Table Tennis Club resumes.

Fri 19th
7.30pm Boys' Brigade resumes.

Sat 20th
7.30pm Bowling Club resumes.

Sun 21st, 18th Sun after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion

11.00am Holy Communion and Baptism of Lucy Gibney, daughter of Niall and Sandra.

Parents: T.V video showing Christian cartoons in vestry should your younger children require. Parents may continue to listen to the service on the vestry loudspeaker.


There is a Creche available for babies and children up to four in the kitchen of the Parish Centre. No Creche on Family Sunday. Children may be left off after 10.45am. For more info, click here.



Crossroads is based in Dublin, a club for young Church of Ireland people. We have membership of approximately 70 people ranging in age form 25-40 with a mixed 50:50 male: female split.

The club plans a variety of activities each month including weekends away, go Karting, hill walking, horse/greyhound racing, bowling, pitch and putt, visiting historic buildings, theatre nights, musical nights, BBQs and social night out in Dublin and surrounding counties. We have a regular event where we meet on the last Thursday night of each month in the bar of Buswell's Hotel.

Committee members:
David Thomas 085 727 2019,
Doreen Reidy: 086 087 4990,
Mary Daly 087 223 0103,
Sean McCabe 087 944 5722,
Steven McGarry 087 764 7868,
Hazel Williams 087 636 3101,
Robin Cole 086 370 2838