Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Saturday, 7 June 2008

Rector's Letter - June 2008

A Word from William…..
On the May bank holiday Monday, Obinna and I were asked to bless the house of one of our Indian parishioners as they moved into their new home. It is an Indian tradition that they put a pan of milk on to boil and let it boil over to symbolise that there would always be plenty in the home. It occurred to me as we waited for the milk to boil that my Mother lived in fear of the milk boiling over!

For Pentecost Sunday I borrowed the fluttering ‘flame’ from The Metro cafĂ© / bar opposite the church which I placed in front of the Holy Table. Being Christian Aid week we watched a video clip on rising sea levels due to global warming and what affect it was having on countries like Bangladesh. We had a retiring collection for the tragedy in Burma with the funds raised going to Christian Aid, who were an established presence working in Burma prior to the cyclone.

We are looking forward to our Summer Sale on 7th June. As we still have an outstanding debt from the re-slating of the Church roof last Summer we are hoping to have as much support as possible to make this year’s sale a big success and help put the parish ‘back in the black’.

In recent weeks I gave 5 school tours of the Church and grounds. I recently attended the graduation ceremonies in St. MacDara’s School, Spawell and Jobstown Community School. It is encouraging to see the enthusiasm of young people. May I take this opportunity to wish those sitting both State and College exams all the very best with their studies.

I hope all our Losset readers have an enjoyable summer and let’s pray that we don’t have similar weather to last year’s!

God bless William.