Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Friday, 31 January 2020

Notice board – 2nd February  2020 to 27th March 2020

Sunday  2nd February

8.30am – Holy Communion

11.00am – Holy Communion

Tuesday 4th February

2.00pm -4.30pm - Crafty Chatters 1st and 3rd Tuesday afternoon of month September to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre. Come along and bring whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one! Please join us, everyone is welcome

7.30pm – Bowls Club meets main hall Parish Centre

8.00pm - Weekly Bible study of the readings for the following Sunday

Wednesday 5th February

11.00am- Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).

Girls Brigade
7pm – 9pm Juniors 9yrs- 11yrs
7.30pm -9.30pm Seniors 12yrs- 13yrs
7.30pm –9.30pm Brigaders 14yrs- 17yrs
8 – 10pm Associates 18yrs +
For more information contact Parish office or

Thursday 6th February

8.00pm - Table Tennis Club in the Main Hall, new adults welcome.

Friday 7th February

11-1pm - ‘Disestablishment 150’ for Fri 11th September Culture Night, Christchurch, Music Rm. Rector and 2 volunteers for Feb & Sept.

7.00pm Boys Brigade:
Anchors (4-7yrs):  7.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.
Juniors: (8-11yrs)   7.00 p.m. – 8.45 p.m.
Company: (12-18yrs) 7.00 p.m. - 9.15 p.m
Contact Parish office for more details.

Saturday 8th February

Girls Brigade
10.30am – 12pm Tiny Tots 3yrs-4yrs
10.30am – 12pm Explorers 5yrs- 8yrs
For more information contact Parish office or

7.30pm – Bowls Club meets main hall Parish Centre

Sunday  9th February

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11.00am – Morning Prayer

Monday 10th February

7.30am - Safeguarding Trust, new workers training, Glebe School, Wicklow.

8.00pm - Mother’s Union, Flower Arranging Demonstration, Small Hall

Tuesday  11th February

7.00pm – Tallaght Historical Society – Manuscripts of Tallaght talk by Tomas Maher, Tallaght library

7.30am - Safeguarding Trust, new worker training, Delgany Parish Centre.

7.30pm – Bowls Club meets main hall Parish Centre

8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall

Wednesday 12th February

11.00am- Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).

Girls Brigade
7pm – 9pm Juniors 9yrs- 11yrs
7.30pm -9.30pm Seniors 12yrs- 13yrs
7.30pm –9.30pm Brigaders 14yrs- 17yrs
8 – 10pm Associates 18yrs +
For more information contact Parish office or

Thursday 13th February

8.00pm - Table Tennis Club in the Main Hall, new adults welcome.

Friday 14th February

7.00pm Boys Brigade:
Anchors (4-7yrs):  7.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.
Juniors: (8-11yrs)   7.00 p.m. – 8.45 p.m.
Company: (12-18yrs) 7.00 p.m. - 9.15 p.m
Contact Parish office for more details.

Saturday 15th February

Girls Brigade
10.30am – 12pm Tiny Tots 3yrs-4yrs
10.30am – 12pm Explorers 5yrs- 8yrs
For more information contact Parish office or

7.30pm – Bowls Club meets main hall Parish Centre

Sunday `16th February

8.30am – Holy Communion

11.00am – Holy Communion

Monday 17th February

8.00pm - Whist Drive in Small Hall @ Parish Centre

Tuesday  18th  February

2.00pm -4.30pm - Crafty Chatters 1st and 3rd Tuesday afternoon of month September to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre. Come along and bring whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one! Please join us, everyone is welcome

7.30pm – Bowls Club meets main hall Parish Centre

8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall

Wednesday 19th February

11.00am- Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).

Girls Brigade
7pm – 9pm Juniors 9yrs- 11yrs
7.30pm -9.30pm Seniors 12yrs- 13yrs
7.30pm –9.30pm Brigaders 14yrs- 17yrs
8 – 10pm Associates 18yrs +
For more information contact Parish office or

Thursday 20th February

8.00pm - Table Tennis Club in the Main Hall, new adults welcome.

Friday 21st  February

7.00pm Boys Brigade:
Anchors (4-7yrs):  7.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.
Juniors: (8-11yrs)   7.00 p.m. – 8.45 p.m.
Company: (12-18yrs) 7.00 p.m. - 9.15 p.m
Contact Parish office for more details.

Saturday 22nd February

Girls Brigade
10.30am – 12pm Tiny Tots 3yrs-4yrs
10.30am – 12pm Explorers 5yrs- 8yrs
For more information contact Parish office or

7.00pm - We are planning on having a Taize Style Vine Service on the 4th Sat of  each  month at 7.00pm
7.30pm – Bowls Club meets main hall Parish Centre7.30pm – Bowls Club meets main hall Parish Centre

Sunday 23rd  February

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11.00am – Morning Prayer – Family Service

Monday 24th February

Tuesday  25th February

7.30pm – Bowls Club meets main hall Parish Centre

8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall

Wednesday 26th February – Ash Wednesday

11.00am- Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).

Girls Brigade
7pm – 9pm Juniors 9yrs- 11yrs
7.30pm -9.30pm Seniors 12yrs- 13yrs
7.30pm –9.30pm Brigaders 14yrs- 17yrs
8 – 10pm Associates 18yrs +
For more information contact Parish office or

Thursday 27th February

8.00pm - Table Tennis Club in the Main Hall, new adults welcome.

Friday 28th  February

10.30am -12.30am Coffee Morning in the small hall. Call in to chat and catch up, all welcome....

7.00pm Boys Brigade:
Anchors (4-7yrs):  7.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.
Juniors: (8-11yrs)   7.00 p.m. – 8.45 p.m.
Company: (12-18yrs) 7.00 p.m. - 9.15 p.m
Contact Parish office for more details.

Saturday 29th February

Sunday 1st March

8.30am – Holy Communion

11.00am – Holy Communion

Monday 2nd  March

Tuesday 3rd March

2.00pm -4.30pm - Crafty Chatters 1st and 3rd Tuesday afternoon of month September to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre. Come along and bring whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one! Please join us, everyone is welcome

7.30pm – Bowls Club meets main hall Parish Centre

8.00pm - Weekly Bible study of the readings for the following Sunday

Wednesday 4th March

11.00am- Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).

Girls Brigade
7pm – 9pm Juniors 9yrs- 11yrs
7.30pm -9.30pm Seniors 12yrs- 13yrs
7.30pm –9.30pm Brigaders 14yrs- 17yrs
8 – 10pm Associates 18yrs +
For more information contact Parish office or

Thursday 5th March

8.00pm - Table Tennis Club in the Main Hall, new adults welcome.

Friday 6th March

7.00pm Boys Brigade:
Anchors (4-7yrs):  7.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.
Juniors: (8-11yrs)   7.00 p.m. – 8.45 p.m.
Company: (12-18yrs) 7.00 p.m. - 9.15 p.m
Contact Parish office for more details.

Saturday 7th March

Girls Brigade
10.30am – 12pm Tiny Tots 3yrs-4yrs
10.30am – 12pm Explorers 5yrs- 8yrs
For more information contact Parish office or

7.30pm – Bowls Club meets main hall Parish Centre

Sunday  8th March

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11.00am – Morning Prayer

Monday 9th March

Tuesday  10th March

7.00pm – Tallaght Historical Society – Hanging around Kilmainham 1796- 1910 talk by Micheal O Doibhlin, Tallaght library

7.30pm – Bowls Club meets main hall Parish Centre

8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall

Wednesday 11th March

11.00am- Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).

Girls Brigade
7pm – 9pm Juniors 9yrs- 11yrs
7.30pm -9.30pm Seniors 12yrs- 13yrs
7.30pm –9.30pm Brigaders 14yrs- 17yrs
8 – 10pm Associates 18yrs +
For more information contact Parish office or

Thursday 12th March

8.00pm - Table Tennis Club in the Main Hall, new adults welcome.

Friday 13th March

7.00pm Boys Brigade:
Anchors (4-7yrs):  7.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.
Juniors: (8-11yrs)   7.00 p.m. – 8.45 p.m.
Company: (12-18yrs) 7.00 p.m. - 9.15 p.m
Contact Parish office for more details.

Saturday 14th March

Girls Brigade
10.30am – 12pm Tiny Tots 3yrs-4yrs
10.30am – 12pm Explorers 5yrs- 8yrs
For more information contact Parish office or

7.30pm – Bowls Club meets main hall Parish Centre

Sunday `15th March

8.30am – Holy Communion

11.00am – Holy Communion

Monday 16th  March

8.00pm - Whist Drive in Small Hall @ Parish Centre

Tuesday  17th  March - St Patrick’s Day

St Patrick’s Day Service

Wednesday 18th March

11.00am- Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).

Girls Brigade
7pm – 9pm Juniors 9yrs- 11yrs
7.30pm -9.30pm Seniors 12yrs- 13yrs
7.30pm –9.30pm Brigaders 14yrs- 17yrs
8 – 10pm Associates 18yrs +
For more information contact Parish office or

Friday 20th  March

7.00pm Boys Brigade:
Anchors (4-7yrs):  7.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.
Juniors: (8-11yrs)   7.00 p.m. – 8.45 p.m.
Company: (12-18yrs) 7.00 p.m. - 9.15 p.m
Contact Parish office for more details.

Saturday 21st  March

Girls Brigade
10.30am – 12pm Tiny Tots 3yrs-4yrs
10.30am – 12pm Explorers 5yrs- 8yrs
For more information contact Parish office or

7.00pm - We are planning on having a Taize Style Vine Service on the 4th Sat of  each  month at 7.00pm
7.30pm – Bowls Club meets main hall Parish Centre7.30pm – Bowls Club meets main hall Parish Centre

Sunday 22nd March

8.30am - Holy Communion.

11.00am – Morning Prayer – Family Service

Monday 23rd March

Tuesday  24th March

7.30pm – Bowls Club meets main hall Parish Centre

8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday, upstairs Parish Hall

Wednesday 25th March

11.00am- Wednesday Weekly Coffee in Rua Red (beside the Library).

Girls Brigade
7pm – 9pm Juniors 9yrs- 11yrs
7.30pm -9.30pm Seniors 12yrs- 13yrs
7.30pm –9.30pm Brigaders 14yrs- 17yrs
8 – 10pm Associates 18yrs +
For more information contact Parish office or

Friday 27th  March

10.30am -12.30am Coffee Morning in the small hall. Call in to chat and catch up, all welcome....

7.00pm Boys Brigade:
Anchors (4-7yrs):  7.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.
Juniors: (8-11yrs)   7.00 p.m. – 8.45 p.m.
Company: (12-18yrs) 7.00 p.m. - 9.15 p.m
Contact Parish office for more details.

Newsletter - JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2020


FROM THE RECTOR We had our  Gift Day on 24th November. Thank you to all who donated, despite the supposed ‘economic recovery’ we still struggle along with the finances of the parish so Gift Day is an important date in the diary of the running of the parish. The sum of approximately €5,600 was raised.
We had our Annual Christmas Sing Along on Friday 29th November in the Parish Hall. We were grateful to the local ICA choir, DAMS (Domincan Active Men’s Social) choir, the Now and Then Musical Drama Group and last but not least our own Music Group. It was a lovely evening and we are very thankful to Ronnie Scott and his helpers for organising the event.        
 At the start of February, December and Christmas seem like a distant memory so writing these notes gives me time to reflect on the festive season of 2019.  Tallaght Community Forum / Tallafest had the lighting of the Christmas tree in Tallaght Village on 1st December an event which gets us all into the festive spirit and an opportunity to come together as a community. In the run up to Christmas I attended a lovely Carol Service in Old Bawn National School, the blessing of the crib in Mount Seskin Community School in Jobstown and a Carol Service which the Marthoma Church (who use our Church on Saturday mornings) invited the Archbishop and myself. I went to our Parish School’s Christmas Concert followed by mince pies on 19th December and I attended a lunch in Molloy’s hosted by TUD (ITT) Student Services on Tues 16th December.
On Saturday 14th we had the now annual ‘Christmas’ Tree of Angels inside the Church gate (our common graveyard is used by the local community). Parishioner Mark Luttrell and his daughter Melisa (who lost a baby through miscarriage) are raising awareness for the need to have a means to remember those who have had infant loss, people came to the churchyard and hung a little angel in memory of their lost loved one on the tree.

We had the decoration of the church on 13th December. We are very fortunate in St. Maelruain’s to have such a talented group of ladies lead by Regina in our Flower Guild who so beautifully decorated the church for the Christmas season, thank you to all involved.

We had our Nine Lessons and Carols on Sunday 15th at 7pm which was well attended and supported by the wider community. Thank you to all who read at the service and thank you to Barbara who organised the refreshments following the service.
On Sat 21st  our Good News Club had the rehearsal of their Nativity Play followed by their Christmas Party and then at our 11am Family Service the next day they performed their play for the congregation. Well done to all involved.
We had good attendances over the Christmas period, I have noticed that there is now a ‘season’ of Christmas running from the Carol Service through to Epiphany when people attend church when they have the opportunity due to work and hosting commitments on Christmas day. A little belatedly perhaps, but may I take this opportunity to wish all the readers of our Parish Newsletter blessings for the new decade of 2020.                                                   William.                   

BAPTISM  On Sunday 22nd December we had the baptism of Ethan Chidumeje  baby son of   Chibuzor  and Lynda Okoye, we welcome Ethan into Christ’s flock and pray for him and his family.

LENTEN COURSE. We will be using the Biblical Association of the Church of Ireland’s Lenten course, on the very current topic, ‘Caring for the Garden of the Earth’ on Wednesdays, 10am starting  4th March for the five weeks of Lent.

CONFIRMATION Our Confirmation Service this year takes place in Christchurch Cathedral on 31st May (Pentecost Sunday, the arrival of the Holy Spirit) at 3.30pm. If you are interested in having your child Confirmed please contact William 086 803 0239

TAIZE VINE SERVICE We continue to have a Taize service  on 4th Saturday of each month, as part of the local Vine initiative and everybody is welcome.

CHURCH REVIEW  Subscription of €40 on orders of the Diocesan Church Review Magazine are now due (thank you, if you have already paid)   please forward payment to Parish Office or leave on the plate in Church in an envelope with Church  Review Sub and your name marked on it.  Thank you.

TACT (Tallaght Adult Community Training) Are running classes in our Parish Halls on weekday mornings, they currently have space for new participants in their Yoga class on Wednesday mornings at 9.30am and for their Pilates class, same day, at 9.50am if you are interested please contact Anne at 087 233 1330

MOTHER’S UNION / FAMILIES FIRST We had a great night out in 50 /50 in Templeogue on Monday 13th January. We were very well looked after and enjoyed a lovely meal which was really great value, €18 for 2 courses and €22 for 3 courses, that's hard to beat. It was the same day as storm Brendan but thankfully Brendan had decided he'd done enough by the time we time were going out and the weather was reasonable for us so that was a real blessing. 

Our next meeting is on Monday 10th  February at 8pm in the Small  Hall when Janet and Regina will give us a flower arranging demonstration which we are really looking forward to. Saoirse are looking for toilet rolls. Looking forward to seeing you all then. New members very welcome or if you haven't been in a while why not come along and renew some friendships.

On Saturday 29th  February there will be the annual morning meeting in Springfield hotel in Leixlip from 9.30 - 11.30am. The speaker will be John Saunders CEO of Shine, a national organisation dedicated to the support of people affected by mental ill health. Cost €8.                                                                                                          Valerie

BOWLS CLUB The ladies are into the next round of the Hope and will play Zion on Saturday 1st February. 
Our Rohu and Mcilwaine are busy with league matches.  We thank all subs who stepped in at short notice 
We hope to see Ann Kane back bowling shortly.                                                                                            Heather 

TABLE TENNIS We are back in action for the new year. We have had some new members joining us and we welcome Marlene and Laurent and hope they’re enjoying Thursday nights with us.

We have two fold away, rolling tables complete with nets in good condition (need a bit of attention) for sale . They are surplus since we bought two new ones and we are keen to move them on now. They would be good for a club or community hall or indeed if anyone has room at home and would like one. €100 each complete with nets.  If you are interested, give me a ring at 0861255161 to arrange to see them.

Happy New Year! Very many thanks to the ladies and gent that helped decorate the Church for Christmas and to all that donated flowers and greenery. The Church looked lovely for all the Christmas Service so thanks to all involved. The morning was very enjoyable and there were lots of different ideas this year, resulting in lovely colour and arrangements.

Thank you to William, who made coffee and tea for all the workers. The Flower Rota for 2020 should have reached everybody by now. We are always looking for new people to help. Perhaps you would consider donating flowers during the year in memory of a loved one, as some of our parishioners do. Due to bereavement and parishioners moving, we have lost some special friends over the last year or two and now need some help. No experience necessary, there are plenty of us to help! If you would like to help, please contact 
Regina (086 1255161) or speak to the Rector.

Christine Hughes of Christine Hughes Flower School is beginning classes in our small hall on Monday and Thursdays, 10.30 to 12.30. Christine assisted Richard Haslam at our flower festival and was responsible for some of the beautiful arrangements.
Some of the ladies in the flower guild already attend Christine’s classes which are informal, good fun and really helpful. We’ve all learned such a lot from her. The classes are €84 for 7 classes to be paid on the first day. If you would like to attend , contact Christine at 087 6864620 or e mail her at Classes begin on Monday 3rd February.                                                                                                                                                              Regina.

BOYS BRIGADE If anyone has a boy that may be interested  in joining Boy’s Brigade please come on down we would love to have them.  Friday evenings: Anchors 7pm – 8:00pm     Juniors 7pm - 8:30pm  Company 7pm - 9pm.                                 

GIRLS BRIGADE The Girls Brigade are busy getting ready for National and District Competitions where we will be competing in a number of different categories - best of luck to all our girls! Following that, we will have our annual Company Display on April 25th, when we’d love to have as many of our past members, friends and families join us on the day. 

WHIST DRIVE  Our next Whist Drive is on Monday 18th  February at 8.00pm in the Main Hall. All Welcome!

CRAFTY CHATTERS Crafty Chatters will meet on the 5th and 19th February from 2 - 4pm in the Parish Hall.   We are all delighted to hear Mary is back on her feet again and hope to see her back in Crafty Chatters very soon.  Janet
 PARISH COFFEE MORNING   Our next Coffee Morning is on Friday, 28th February at 10.30am.  Join us for a cuppa and a chatand bring a friend along too.  All welcome.