Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Friday, 30 September 2016

Noticeboard  1st October  to 3rd December 2016

Saturday 1st October

10.30am - Girl’s Brigade explorers age 3+

2.00pm - Walk in my shoes’ Homelessness and refugee talks in the Church from 2pm – 5 pm. Refreshments in the hall from 5pm – 6pm  followed by a …
6pm - 7.30pm - concert in the Church featuring the High Hopes choir  Part of Walk in my shoes’ Homelessness and refugee talks
7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

Sunday 2nd October

8.30am – Holy Communion

11.00am – Holy Communion

Monday 3rd October

8.00pm – Prayers for the Parish, upstairs main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre

Tuesday 4th October

2.00pm -4.30pm - Crafty Chatters resume winter schedule of 1st and 3rd Tuesday afternoon of month September to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre. Come along and bring whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one! Please join us, everyone is welcome
7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday.

Wednesday 5th October

10.00am first Wednesday of the month Holy Communion.

7.00pm - Girl’s Brigade Juniors / Seniors 9 years +

7.00pm - Christian Aid information night in Dundrum Methodist Church.

Thursday 6th October

7.30pm - New Alpha course continues in An Solas, Jobstown MethodistChurch.

8.00pm – St. Maelruain’s Table Tennis Club, New members welcome. Contact Parish office or drop in on night. (must be 18yrs or older)

Friday 7th October

7.30pm – Boys Brigade 7.30-9.30pm contact parish office for more information

Saturday 8th October

10.30am - Girl’s Brigade explorers age 3+

2.00pm - The church will be decorated for Harvest, donations of fruit, veg, flowers and greenery gratefully received, all helpers male or female will receive a warm welcome.

7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

Sunday 9th October

8.30am – Holy Communion

11.00am – Morning Prayer – Childrens Harvest

3.30pm – Harvest Thanksgiving @ St Maelruain’s Church of Ireland, Tallaght Parish. Preacher Rev. Brian O’Reilly , Rathdrum Parish.

Monday 10th October

8.00pm – Prayers for the Parish, upstairs main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre

Tuesday 11th October
4.00pm - Dublin Diocesan Synod, Temple Carrig, Greystones.  

7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday.

Wednesday 12th October

7.00pm - Girl’s Brigade Juniors / Seniors 9 years +.

8.00pm - Select Vestry meeting in the Long Room of the Parish Centre.

Thursday 13th October

8.00pm – St. Maelruain’s Table Tennis Club, New members welcome. Contact Parish office or drop in on night. (must be 18yrs or older)

Friday 14th  October

7.30pm – Boys Brigade 7.30-9.30pm contact parish office for more information

Saturday 15th October

10.30am - Girl’s Brigade explorers age 3+

7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

Sunday 16th October

8.30am – Holy Communion

11.00am – Holy Communion

Monday 17th October

8.00pm – Whist Drive in Small Hall Parish Centre, All welcome.

8.00pm – Prayers for the Parish, upstairs main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre

Tuesday 18th October

2.00pm -4.30pm - Crafty Chatters resume winter schedule of 1st and 3rd Tuesday afternoon of month September to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre. Come along and bring whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one! Please join us, everyone is welcome
7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday.

Wednesday 19th October

7.00pm - Girl’s Brigade Juniors / Seniors 9 years +.

Thursday 20th October

8.00pm – St. Maelruain’s Table Tennis Club, New members welcome. Contact Parish office or drop in on night. (must be 18yrs or older)

Friday 21st October

7.30pm – Boys Brigade 7.30-9.30pm contact parish office for more information

Saturday 22nd October

10.30am - Girl’s Brigade explorers age 3+

7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

Sunday 23rd October

8.30am – Holy Communion

11.00am – Service of the Word – Family Service

Monday 24th October

8.00pm – Prayers for the Parish, upstairs main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre

Tuesday 25th October
7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday.

Wednesday 26th October

7.00pm - Girl’s Brigade Juniors / Seniors 9 years +

Thursday 27th October

8.00pm – St. Maelruain’s Table Tennis Club, New members welcome. Contact Parish office or drop in on night. (must be 18yrs or older)

Friday 28th October

10.30-12.30am - Parish Reunion Monthly Coffee Morning @ small hall St. Maelruains Parish Centre. All Wellcome to drop in for a chat and a cuppa

7.30pm – Boys Brigade 7.30-9.30pm contact parish office for more information

Saturday 29th October

10.30am - Girl’s Brigade explorers age 3+

7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

Sunday 30th October

8.30am – Holy Communion

11.00am – Holy Communion

Monday 31st October
Ba Mondaynk Holiday

Tuesday 1st November

2.00pm -4.30pm - Crafty Chatters resume winter schedule of 1st and 3rd Tuesday afternoon of month September to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre. Come along and bring whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one! Please join us, everyone is welcome
7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday.

Wednesday 2nd November

10.00am first Wednesday of the month Holy Communion.

7.00pm - Girl’s Brigade Juniors / Seniors 9 years +

Thursday 3rd November

8.00pm – St. Maelruain’s Table Tennis Club, New members welcome. Contact Parish office or drop in on night. (must be 18yrs or older)

Friday 4th November

7.30pm – Boys Brigade 7.30-9.30pm contact parish office for more information

Saturday 5th November

10.30am - Girl’s Brigade explorers age 3+

7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

Sunday 6th November

8.30am – Holy Communion

11.00am – Holy Communion

Monday 7th November

8.00pm – Prayers for the Parish, upstairs main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre

Tuesday 8th November
7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday.

Wednesday 9th November

7.00pm - Girl’s Brigade Juniors / Seniors 9 years +.

Thursday 10th November

8.00pm – St. Maelruain’s Table Tennis Club, New members welcome. Contact Parish office or drop in on night. (must be 18yrs or older)

Friday 11th November

7.30pm – Boys Brigade 7.30-9.30pm contact parish office for more information

Saturday 12th NOvember

10.30am - Girl’s Brigade explorers age 3+

7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

Sunday 13th November

8.30am – Holy Communion

11.00am – Morning Prayer

Monday 14th November

8.00pm – Prayers for the Parish, upstairs main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre

Tuesday 15th November

2.00pm -4.30pm - Crafty Chatters resume winter schedule of 1st and 3rd Tuesday afternoon of month September to June at the Small Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre. Come along and bring whatever craft you are working on or learn a new one! Please join us, everyone is welcome
7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday.

Wednesday 16th November

7.00pm - Girl’s Brigade Juniors / Seniors 9 years +.

Thursday 17th November

8.00pm – St. Maelruain’s Table Tennis Club, New members welcome. Contact Parish office or drop in on night. (must be 18yrs or older)

Friday 18th November

7.30pm – Boys Brigade 7.30-9.30pm contact parish office for more information

Saturday 19th November

10.30am - Girl’s Brigade explorers age 3+

7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

Sunday 20th November

8.30am – Holy Communion

11.00am – Holy Communion

Monday 21st November

8.00pm – Whist Drive in Small Hall Parish Centre, All welcome.

8.00pm – Prayers for the Parish, upstairs main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre

Tuesday 22nd November
7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre
8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday.

Wednesday 23rd November

7.00pm - Girl’s Brigade Juniors / Seniors 9 years +

Thursday 24th November

8.00pm – St. Maelruain’s Table Tennis Club, New members welcome. Contact Parish office or drop in on night. (must be 18yrs or older)

Friday 25th November

10.30-12.30am - Parish Reunion Monthly Coffee Morning @ small hall St. Maelruains Parish Centre. All Wellcome to drop in for a chat and a cuppa

7.30pm – Boys Brigade 7.30-9.30pm contact parish office for more information

Saturday 26th November

10.30am - Girl’s Brigade explorers age 3+

7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

Sunday 27th November

8.30am – Holy Communion

11.00am - Service of the Word – Family Service

Monday 28th  November

8.00pm – Prayers for the Parish, upstairs main Hall @ St Maelruain’s Parish Centre

Tuesday 29th November
7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

8.00pm - Bible Study of the readings for the following Sunday.

Wednesday 30th November

7.00pm - Girl’s Brigade Juniors / Seniors 9 years +.

Thursday 1st December

8.00pm – St. Maelruain’s Table Tennis Club, New members welcome. Contact Parish office or drop in on night. (must be 18yrs or older)

Friday 2nd December

7.00pm – St Maelruains Parish ‘Christmas Sing Along’. Annual  start to the festive season. Music and family entertainment with Bumper Raffle @StMaelruainsParishHall @stmaelruainsparishcentre

Saturday 3rd December

10.30am - Girl’s Brigade explorers age 3+

7.30pm – St. Maelruain’s Bowls Club @ Main Hall Parish Centre

Coopers: 1c and 2c coins will now be rounded up by retailers, why not donate your coins to the parish? There is a ‘Jar’ in the Church, every cent appreciated!  Thank you.

September and October 2016

FROM THE RECTOR  We are now all back into the swing of things as the Parish resumes activities after the summer break, looking back over my diary, it’s hard to know where the summer went! On 12th  June we had the final ‘annual blessing of St. Columchille’s Well’ in it’s present format as  the Augustinians are selling the Orlagh Retreat Centre this year but the Carmelites in Knocklyon Parish have taken on the running of the service. We had a number of historical tours of the Village and the church and grounds, lead by local historian Tomas Maher. We hosted a visiting choir from the US who used our facilities for rehearsals (as they were staying in a hotel in the locality) for their concert in Christchurch Cathedral and the following week our church was the venue for a concert by the Waterbury Choir visiting from Connecticut along with an Irish Choir, Hamemus, who performed a variety of pieces including contemporary

American, Irish traditional, Gospel and Spiritual. The annual Dominican blessing of the graveyard took place on 3rd July, the closest Sunday to St. Maelruain’s day. We were delighted to welcome the new Prior of St. Mary’s Priory, Fr Donal Roche to St. Maelruain’s. Tours continued of the Church and grounds in the month of August led by local historian Tomas Maher, including during heritage week.

On 25th June our BB had a BBQ with games in the ground of the Parish Centre, we were blessed with good weather, despite one summer shower, and it was good to see the event so well attended considering the boys had ‘broken up’ weeks earlier. It was also an opportunity for the parents to socialize and get to know one another. That evening the Bowls Club had their annual BBQ in the home of the Captain Alan and his wife Joy Thank you to them both for their hospitality.

For the second year in a row I attended an event organised by Melissa Luttrel, for ‘Light up the Sky’ on 27th  August in the green space beside the Tallaght Leisure Centre on Fortunestown Way, in memory of babies that have been lost through miscarriage. The evening involved the release of balloons and lanterns, with members of the public encouraged to bring a balloon or lantern,  Melissa hopes the event gave comfort to parents.

On Sunday 28th we were sad to say goodbye to Thomas and Surenna Matthew and their boys Nevin and Nihall who have moved to Australia.  We will miss them but wish them every blessing with their new life ‘down under’.

Our organist, Joyce Smart is currently recovering from a medical procedure. On the first Sunday of her absence our assistant organist, Gerard Moody, was unavailable to cover so on the suggestion of Joyce we asked one of young Indian parishioners, 12 year old Braden Huxley, who regularly practices on our digital organ, if he would play for our Holy Communion Service on 4th September. He played beautifully and we were very grateful to him for filling in. We wish Joyce a speedy recovery and look forward to having her back playing on Sunday mornings in the near future. Many thanks to Gerard for covering for Joyce in her absence.

From 9th September I spent time introducing myself to the students in the Institute of Technology Tallaght during induction week in my role as part time chaplain to the college.

On 11th September I went along, with my daughter Amy, to the installation service of Rev’d Abigail Sines as Deans Vicar of Christchurch Cathedral. Amy was leader at the Diocesan Summer Camp (along with Lionel) which were organised by Abigail. We both wish Abigail well with her innovated and creative ministry and in particular with her upcoming Halloween Service in Christchurch, ‘What are you afraid of?’ and her work with Street Pastors etc.

Tallafest took place in Saturday 10th September. The village was a hive of activity with community group stands and fun activities for all the family. We hosted an Art Exhibition, poetry readings and held tours of the church. I also managed to advertise the revised Alpha Course (which we are currently running, along with six other churches  in Tallaght Methodist Church, An Solas, Jobstown on Thursday evenings), with banners showing the new Alpha course promoter Bear Grylls displayed, in the hope we may attract newcomers to the course.

On Sunday 25th September we were delighted to welcome back to Tallaght Rev Robert Kingston to celebrate the anniversary of 20 years since the opening of the Parish Hall. We were also pleased to present our sexton, Hazel Walshe, a bouquet to mark the almost 21st anniversary since coming to St. Maelruain’s.

God bless                                                                                                                                                               William.

HARVEST Our Harvest Service is on 9th October, we will welcome Rev Brian O’Reilly of Rathdrum to preach on Jesus bringing in the ‘spiritual harvest’ by both preaching and healing. The service will be followed by refreshments in the Small Hall.                (Please see below regarding the decoration of the church for Harvest).

FUNERALS The funeral of Stewart Whitten took place in St. Maelruain’s on 29th July. We extend our deepest sympathies to his wife Eileen, daughter Lynn, son-in-law Joe and extended family and friends.

On Friday 19th Aug the funeral of Jemma daughter of Lorraine & Christy Cahill took place here in St. Maelruain’s.  We express our deepest condolences to her parents, brothers Bryan and Phillip and to Jemma’s extended family and friends.

A Receiving Service for Nigel Beattie took place on Thursday 29th Sept followed by his funeral Service the following day. Our sincere sympathies to Nigel’s daughters Sarah, Ruth and Claire and to Nigel’s extended family and friends.

WEDDINGS The marriage of Deborah Morgans and Robert Hand took place on 23rd July and on Friday 16th the marriage of Mandy Fletcher and Jared Bressman took place. We wish both these couple every blessing for the future.

BAPTISMS  On Sunday 14th August we had the baptism of Thomas Joshua Gould baby son of David and Natalia and on Sunday 28th Zarah Moyinoluwa baby daughter of Tosin (nee Kuti) and Malek Sanusa was also baptised. Please pray for Thomas, Zarah and their families as they begin their Christian life.

MOTHER’S UNION / FAMILIES FIRST We had our opening service on Mon 12th Sept with Holy Communion celebrated by Canon William and Rev. Avril preached.

On Sat 15th October,  we will meet at the church gates at 10.30am for a visit to the Pearse Museum and St. Enda’s Park near Marlay Park. Please come along and bring your friends, all are welcome.

Saoirse are looking for washing up liquid and black bags. We look forward to another year and hope you find our programme of interest. Please be assured of a warm welcome if you’re new or haven’t been in a while. See you then.

TABLE TENNIS  The club reopened with most of our regular members back again. It was great to see everybody back for another season. We were delighted to to see Tommy Dunne back with us having decided at the end of the season to call it a day due to a few recent health issues, but the rest during the summer has worked and he is back setting us all a challenge. We are actively seeking new members (over 18) to play on Thursday nights . We play from 8 pm to 10pm in the Parish Centre and welcome all players from beginner to advanced.  Regina Donoghue

FLOWER GUILD Many thanks , as always to all the ladies who continue to put flowers in the Church each week and to Hazel, who opens the Church each week to allow us check and replace flowers.   The date of the Harvest is Sun 9th  Oct. It's the time of the year when we decorate the Church with fruit and veg as well as flowers. We will be decorating the Church on Sat 8th Oct, from 2 pm and would welcome donations of flowers, greenery, fruit and vegetables as well as help from anybody who would like to join us. No experience needed, so don't be afraid to come along. Regina Donoghue

BOYS BRIGADE We started back officially on Friday 23rd and we had a couple fresh faces and it was a good night. We are lacking boys especially in our anchor boys section (4 to 7 year olds). So if anyone knows anyone who might be interested feel free to drop up on a Friday night or even ring myself 0831015657. The parents are welcome to stay if their child is shy or not 100 percent sure if they want to stay. Evan McAuley

GIRLS BRIGADE The Girls’ Brigade is a great, safe place for girls to make friends while learning lifeskills and having fun.  We are now open for another season are accepting new members.  We meet every week from September to April in St Maelruain’s Parish hall where the girls learn dancing, singing, and arts & crafts.  Our Explorer group (aged under 9 years old) meet every Saturday morning from 10.30am to 12.30pm.  Our older girls (aged 9 years old and up) meet every Wednesday from 7pm to 8.30pm/9pm.  If you are interesting in joining please contact Fiona Monahan (086-8519163) or go to for more information.

BOWLING CLUB Welcome back to all members after the summer holidays.  Looking forward to our club and league competitions starting soon. We are hosting a friendly match with Leeson Park and also having a friendly match with Lucan Parish in their  parish centre.  We send sympathy to the Beattie family on the death of Nigel who was a member of the bowling club.  Heather Wright

WHIST DRIVE  The October Whist Drive is on Monday 16th  at 8.00pm in the Small Hall. All Welcome!

CRAFTY CHATTERS  Crafty chatters will be meeting on the 4th and 18th of October from 2 - 4pm in the Parish hall. Please come and join in the chat and maybe learn something new. Janet Edgely

PRAYERS FOR THE PARISH  meet on Monday evenings at 8.00pm, needs your support.  BIBLE STUDY  of the reading for the following Sunday continue on Tues evenings at 8.00pm upstairs, Parish Hall.

PARISH COFFEE  Our Coffee Morning for October is on 28th from 10.30am - 12.30pm.  The usual fare will be available and donations will go towards parish funds.  Do drop in, bring a friend, enjoy a cuppa and a chat and while away a leisurely hour with us.  Barbara Barrett