Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Thursday, 10 March 2011

The Losset

A word from William…….

On 24th January I attended the Greenhills Ecumenical Conference in Drogheda. The conference was lead by two journalists, Patsy McGarry (Irish Times) and Alf McCleary (Belfast Telegraph) on the topic of ‘How can the church be a positive influence in Ireland today?’ I was challenged by a student from Trinity College who made the comment that most young people do not see any difference between denominations or even between religions and often see them as irrational and often fundamentalist. She said that Christians needed to explain their beliefs and the bible. Perhaps if people realised that, as many psychologists say, people with a sense of community and who have faith and who go to church have better mental health than those who don’t, we might be a happier society.

Peter McVerry came to Tallaght Stadium on 27th January to launch a report on the local homeless. It was interesting what he said regarding the housing of the homeless. We expect people to get their lives in order before we give them a home and in reality these vulnerable people require a stable home before they can address their addictions and other issues in their lives.

On 28th January I attended a talk on Urban Mission by Joel Edwards who is originally from a Caribbean Pentecostal background, describing his journey through ecumenicalism to cooperating with other faiths on common social issues in London.

Saturday 29th was the launch of a Gospel voices CD. The CD was organised by Gospel Republic and features a track from 10 gospel choirs from around Ireland, including our own Discovery Gospel Choir.

On 1st February I went to a talk by Bill Hybels from Willow Creek Church, Illinois. I was struck by how humble and honest he was. The day was set up as a question and answering session and I felt he made himself vulnerable in allowing the pastors to drive the agenda.

On Thursday 10th I attended a lecture organised by the National Bible Society by the secretary of our select vestry, Dr. David Hutchinson Edgar in All Hallows College on the King James Version – 400 years on. It was interesting looking at the history of the different translations of the bible into English.

In the 1950’s all the protestant churches of Southern India came together and formed the Church of South India (in full communion with the Church of Ireland). They are going to have a monthly service, in their own language of Malayalam in St. Catherine & St. James, Denore Ave. The first of these services took place on Sat 5th February, which I attended

The Church of Ireland Chaplaincy at TCD has joined forces with Christ Church Cathedral Dublin and organised a Quiet Day with Bishop William Willimon on Wednesday 16 February. Bishop Willimon is a Bishop of Birmingham, North Alabama
Conference of the United Methodist Church in the USA. His books have sold over one million copies worldwide and he is widely regarded as one of America’s best preachers

The theme of the quiet day was ‘Leading the church today’. He made the point that as God had called you, the responsibility was shared with him. I found it comforting as well as liberating to be reminded of that point.

On 23rd February I attended the opening of a new ‘Fold’, sheltered housing, for the elderly in the building above Lidl, beside the new Woodies. It is a partnership by Fold Ireland and South Dublin County Council.

On 24th February there was a review of services for provisions for women in prostitution in Dublin 24 run by Tallaght Drug Force which was launched in Kiltalown House. On 13th March at 3.00pm Tirzah are running a ‘Not for sale’ international anti trafficking event at the GPO (wear orange) to help raise awareness about human trafficking.

President Mary McAleece came to visit the recently completed Dominic’s Community Centre on 25th February. She spoke of community and how important it is to be involved. She visited the various groups meeting that day including the playgroup where she had a ‘play’ cup of tea and where she was instructed to wash up! She dropped in on the crochet group (one of which is one of our Cheeverstown ladies) and was delighted to see the participants enjoying the ‘craic’ and community, as well as admiring their creativity..

Ash Wednesday is on 9th March and we will be beginning our Lenten Services each Wednesday of Lent at 8.00pm.

As I write these notes a new government is being formed, there are some very difficult challenges ahead and many of you are paying the price already. During the election campaign I heard the phrase ‘no right to complain if you don’t vote’. I wonder as Christians, that we have no right to complain if we don’t pray. I feel the wisdom of Solomen will be required by the new government to enable them to lead the country to recovery, let’s pray that they can. God bless, William.

Badminton Club

The badminton club is still going strong and meets on a Monday evening from 7.30. This year we welcomed 3 new members, Carol, Gerard and Isobel and we welcomed back the old familiar faces of the two David’s, Ann, Becky, Gillian and Kathleen. Together we have had some good games of badminton and some great laughs over our 9.00 cup of tea. Thanks go to Ann for keeping us supplied with a variety of lovely cakes and biscuits.

At the end of 2010 we were saddened to hear of the death of Deirdre’s mother. We offer our sincere condolences to Deirdre at this difficult time and look forward to welcoming her back again in the future. If anyone else is interesting in joining us, we have room for a couple more so please drop in on a Monday night to meet us.

Boy’s Brigade

All sections are very busy as they work towards the display. Times have been extended to make up for lost time during the bad weather.

We hosted the Dublin battalion drill competition on 12th February, in which our junior and company section took part. Well done to both sections, but in particular, the junior section who performed really well on the night. It was the first time either sections had taken part and junior section included some very young boys, so well done to all. Well done to Terry Barrett and Terry O'Rourke who teach the boys drill each week and many thanks also to Alan Privett from the battalion training and activities committee who came to assist the two Terrys on the run up to the competition.

Junior section and company section went on a hike through the waterworks at Bohernabreena on 19th February. We couldn't wished for a nicer day and once again we were joined by Alan Privett and the Rector for the occasion. Wehad a good turn out of boys and hope they enjoyed the afternoon. Thanks to all the leaders who looked
after the boys.

Junior section are working on their drama item, which they hope to bring to the battalion competition in April.


Our teams have been busy since Xmas playing league matches. Unfortunately none have
progressed to their next sections, but we wish the winning clubs the best of luck in their final matches. Despite this we have enjoyed the seasons bowling, and have now started our club competitions.

Our hall is hosting the Hope semi-final match on 22nd. March next. Congratulations to Ann and Billy Gould who have become grandparents, twice in the one week, a son for David and a daughter for Daphne. We wish them every happiness.

Mother’s Union

On Monday 14th February Carol Casey traveled over from Dalkey to speak to us on Mindfulness. Carol encouraged us to relax and link in to our inner feelings. The talk was very much enjoyed by all present. We were delighted to have some new faces attend and also Rev. William. Twenty five in all attended so we are definitely expanding!
By the time you read this we will have hosted the World Women’s Day of Prayer on Friday 4th March.

14th March Meeting: History of Tallaght by Eamonn Maloney. All welcome. 11th April A.G.M. – Bring & Buy. 21st May: Outing. Details to be announced at next meeting.
Saoirse would like toilet rolls as their March donation.
SUPPER ROTA: 14th March – Yvonne McGlynn

Whist Drives

Our February Drive was held on Monday 21st
which was well attended.

Thanks to Janet Edgely and Gail Sheridan who helped on the night and to Yvonne McGlynn who looked after the catering. Also thanks to all who donate raffle prizes each month. They are much appreciated.

Our next drive will be held on 21st March in the small hall at 8pm. Looking forward to seeing you all. George Furney, Hon. Sec.

Good News Club

Andrew McCormack, from CMS, will be coming to talk to us in church on Sunday 27th on Churches Missionary Society’s project for 2011- Living Stones: Building Church in Burundi – a 4-week course for Sunday Schools complete with DVD and resource materials to look at Bible stories linking to the work going on in Burundi.
Our Good News Club will be hosting coffee / tea following the service in aid of the project.

Music Group

The Music Group meet in the small hall on Thursday evenings at 8pm every two weeks. The group sings at family service (and other special festival services).
All singers and musicians are welcome to join the group. Please contact Valerie Deverell if you would like more details on 462 1044.


On Sunday 13th February the baptism of Matthew Fiach, son of Seamus and Olivia McHugh took place here in St. Maelruain’s. Please pray for Matthew and his family as he begins his Christian life.

Ash Wednesday and Lenten Services

Ash Wednesday is on 9th March, which will see the start of our weekly Wednesday evening Lenten services, at 8.00pm.

St. Patrick’s Day

There will be a service in the Church to mark St. Patrick’s Day on Thursday 17th March at 11.00am.

Tallaght St. Patrick Day Celebration

South Dublin County Council are hosting a St. Patrick’s day celebration in Tallaght Stadium with marching bands, bands, dancers, baton twirlers, sports clubs and much more with a grand finale of a spectacular fireworks display. The event will run from 5.00pm – 7.30pm, why not come along and join in the fun!


Copies of the CMS in Mission, Spring 2011, magazine are in the Church porch. Please feel free to take a copy and read of the work that CMS does across the world.

Summer Sale

Saturday 28th MayYour Church Needs You!!

How can you help to make the 2011 Sale a great success??

Volunteer to help on a stall

Sell Raffle tickets, Buy raffle tickets

Make a donation to the raffle and donate Items for the various stalls

There will be a short meeting to discuss the sale after Church on Sunday 20th March
Any enquiries to Ronnie Scott 086 804 5090

Mothering Sunday

Don’t forget Mother’s Day on 3rd April, an
opportunity to show you Mum how much you

Clock Springs Forward

The clock goes forward one hour on Sunday 27th March, make sure you change your clocks!

Spirit Radio

I have mentioned the new Christian radio station ‘Spirit Radio’ in previous Lossets but now that it is well up and running I would like to mention it again as It has a varied and interesting schedule for all age groups. Topics covered include children and family, social and health issues, finances, Music, News, Sports and Papers. Tune into 89.9EM between RTE 1 and RTE 2. William

Service for the Gift of Sport

The 62nd Annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service
for the Gift of Sport will take place in St Ann's Church on Dawson St, Dublin on Sunday, 27 March at 7pm.

This year, John Delaney, CEO of the Football Association of Ireland, will be the Guest Speaker and the collection at the service will be donated to the Mendicity Institution, one of the oldest charities in the City of Dublin.

If anyway interested in sport, young or old, you are invited to show your appreciation for all that sport does to bring people together from a variety of backgrounds and interests, by going along to this special service.

The Megeough Home

The Mageough home provides independent living accommodation for elderly people in pleasant surroundings. The home is located on Cowper Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6.

Presently they have a small number of renovated houses available. For applications or further information please contact: Alan Nairn 497 1620 or email . Have a look at their website

Honorary Treasurer

As previously mentioned in the last edition of the ‘Losset’ an Honorary Treasurer is needed for the parish as soon as possible.

If you are interested or if you have any suggestions of someone suitable for this Honorary position, please contact the Rector at 086 803 0239.


Sun 13th 8.30am Holy Communion

11.00am Morning Prayer

3.00pm Tirzah 'Not for sale' international and trafficking event GPO (wear orange).

Mon 14th 8.00pm Mother's Union talk on the history of Tallaght with Mayor Eamonn Maloney.

Tues 15th 8.00pm Bray Churches together Lent and St. Patrick's Concert in St. Firgal's Church.

Wed 16th 8.00pm Lenten Service.

Thurs 17th 11.00am St. Patrick's Day Service in the Church.

5.00pm St. Patrick's Day celebration in Tallaght Stadium parade, bands and entertainment. 5.00pm - 7.30pm

Sun 20th 8.30am Holy Communion.

11.00am Holy Communion. Summer Sale 28th May, there will be a short meeting after Church regarding the sale. Enquires to Ronnnie Scott 096 804 5090.

Mon 21st 8.00pm Whist Drive in the small hall.

Wed 25th 8.00pm Lenten Service.

Thurs 26th 10.00am 1st Annual conference for board of management in King's Hospital School, Palmerstown. 'A vision for church schools today'.