Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Monday, 12 July 2010

September Losset

A Word from William

On 12th June, which was a beautiful day, we had ourannual Summer Sale. Many thanks to Ronnie Scott who co-ordinated the sale and to all those who helped in anyway to help make the sale a success, we almost matched last year’s figure.

On the same day the Marthoma Indian Congregation, who use our Church on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, were delighted to welcome their new priest Fr. Jamesson who had just arrived from Indian.

The next day, Sunday 13th June, was the annual ecumenical blessing of St. Columba’s Well, at the top of Ballycullen Rd., Firhouse which is hosted by the Augustinians from The Orlagh Retreat Centre, opposite the well. Rev. Horace McKinley from Whitechurch and myself are invited annually and although it turned out to be a very wet afternoon, there were the same amount of people there that attend every year. Unfortunately due to the adverse weather conditions the Irish music and Irish dancing that had been planned for after the service had to be cancelled.

The parish Bowls Club had their annual bar-b-que in Willie and Joan Harris’ this year. It was a lovely evening, made all the more enjoyable by the beautiful weather.

Sunday 20th was Father’s day and also our annual end of year Primary School service. We were delighted to welcome Iris and the children to the church. It was also an opportunity for the parish to bid farewell to our school principal, Iris McMenamin as she was due to retire in August. The parish made a presentation to Iris to show our appreciation for the way she has turned the school around into the vibrant place of leaning that it is today.

I would like to thank Billy Gould, Alex Bryan, Jim Bird and John O’Donoghue who on the 23rd June ‘took on’ the hedges in the graveyard. They completed the work the following Wednesday. Unfortunately I couldn’t attend that day as I had a meeting but David Harley was able to join the work party. They did a great job and we are very grateful to them for all their hard work.

The parish school secretary, Karen, on behalf of the school, organised a ‘surprise’ leaving ‘do’ for Iris McMenamin, school principal, in the Parish Centre on the morning of Monday 28th June. The event was attended by members of Iris’ extended family as well as former members of staff, the board of management, the present staff, pupils and parents. It was a great opportunity to show Iris how much she was appreciated. Each group was able to make a presentation to her and give a short speech.

We are extremely grateful to Iris for the marvellous work that she has carried out in the school. I’m sure many of the readers of the Losset, over almost 15 years, will have remarked on the varied activities and outings that the children have been exposed to under the guidance of Iris. Thank you, Iris, for all your hard work. Unfortunately Iris’ position has yet to be filled.

Sunday 4th July saw the Dominican blessing of the graveyard. We always have a large crowd of visitors to the graveyard on this occasion and it was great to see the graveyard looking so tidy, due in no small way to the previously mentioned work of some of the gentlemen of the parish and also due to the work of our new FAS worker Paddy.

We marked the National Day of Commemoration at our services on Sunday 11th July as we do every year to commemorate those who died in the service of Ireland and the UN.

Rev. Obinna Ulogwara who had been our shared curate with Whitechurch for almost five years (and also the Diocesan Chaplain to the International Community, a position which he still retains) was instituted as Bishop’s Curate in St. George and St. Thomas in Cathal Brugha Street on Sunday 29th August. We wish him every blessing in this new challenge.

We would also like to congratulate Obinna and his wife Chika on the birth of their fourth child, Darren Patrick Ulogwara on 18th June. I’m sure Chizu, Stephanie and Samuel are delighted with their new brother.

On 21st August The Drop in Centre who use our small hall, brought a group to do a tour of the church. It was interesting showing the church to a group of people from such varying backgrounds and religions.

My cousin, Boyce Deverell is home in Ireland from Australia and is coming to talk to us on Sunday 12th September. He is originally from Emo, Portlaois but visits Ireland regularly. He has offered to come and talk to us on the Holy Spirit, part of the Trinity that I feel is often ignored.

We look forward to the starting up of all the parish organisations with renewed enthusiasm for the coming year.

God bless, William

Bowling Club

The Bowling Club starts its season on Tuesday 21st. September 2010 at 7.30pm. As always the club would welcome new members to the club and tuition will be given. If any parishioner would like to try their hand at bowling, you are very welcome to call in on any club night (Tuesday and Saturday nights at 7.30pm).

Mother's Union

We warmly welcome back our regular attendees and we would love to see some new faces join us? You will be most welcome. Why not take a peep at our Dublin website:

Our Opening Service will be on 13th September at 8pm when Rev. Avril Bennett will speak with us and our action packed programme for 2010-2011 will be launched ! The Committee have met twice during the summer months to organise events which we hope will be enjoyed by members and friends.

We hope most of our members have had an opportunity to see the Mothers Union Service led by Joy Gordon on Sunday 22nd August on television. This service portrayed the work of Mothers Union both here and overseas. Our parish was represented by Eileen Dunne. Did you spot her on screen?

Dates for your Diary: 13th September 8pm Opening Service in St Maelruain’s.

Boy’s Brigade

B.B. will re open on Sept 10th when we will have a BBQ for all current members and their families. Staff members will have phoned all families who are asked to indicate how many will attend. Please note that we can only cater for people who have confirmed with us that they will attend. However, those that wish to bring along their own food to cook on the night are welcome also. We hope everybody will come along and get to know each other. There will be games in the hall for the children.

On 17th September we will officially re open Anchors 7.30pm – 8.30pm, Juniors 7.30pm – 9.00pm and Company Section 7.30pm – 9.30pm. Please note some new times.

Staff have been meeting to plan the next session. It looks like a busy one. Our enrolment service on Nov 28th will be a joint one with our Girl’s Brigade Company.

For further information on B.B. please phone John at 4522930 after 6pm. Welcome back everybody!

Girl’s Brigade

Explorers section of Girl’s Brigade will start back after the summer break Saturday 11th September and Junior and Senior Girl’s Brigaders will start back on Wednesday 15th. New members welcome! Please contact Captain Carol Fox at 295 3574 for more information.


The new season of Whist Drives will commence on Monday 20th Sept at 8pm sharp.As all proceeds from these Drives go to Parish funds, your support is needed.

Janet Edgely has kindly offered to arrange a monthly rota of helpers in the kitchen. If anybody is willing to help, please contact Janet at (Phone no: 451 3924).

Donations for our raffle are always much appreciated.

Looking forward to seeing you all again after our summer break - George Furney.

Table Tennis

The St. Maelruain’s Table Tennis Club starts back

on Thursday 16th September at 8.00pm. If you are interested in joining the Club please contact Andrew Seymour on 451 2403 for more information.

Badminton Club

The Adult badminton Club will restart on Monday 13th September. For more information please contact Deirdre Anderson on 464 0245


September: Liomia Hoffmeester. (I am looking for a volunteer to fill this slot for next year, male or female. If you would like to help out, please contact me, Janet Edgely on 087 294 3964 (Flower Guild co-ordinator)).

October: Regina Donoghue and Heather Kennedy


On 17th July the baptism of Molly Grace O’Neill, baby daughter of Paul and Danielle took place here in St. Maelruain’s and on Sunday 27th July the baptism of Luke William Gibney also took place. Luke is the baby son of Niall and Sandra and grandson of Miriam Gibney. Please pray these children and their families as they begins their Christian lives.

Memorial Service

A Memorial Service and the burial of ashes of Dr. Susan Clements (daughter of former Rector, Canon Alexander) took place on Friday 27th August. Susan died in New Zealand last December. Our condolences to her family, both here in Ireland and in New Zealand.

Thank you to the ladies of the parish who provided refreshments following the service.


The Archbishop will be visiting the parish on Sunday 7th November for Confirmation Service. If you would like your child to be Confirmed please contact the Rector as soon as possible as Confirmation classes will be starting soon. 086 803 0239.


Our Harvest service will take place on Friday 15th October at 8.00pm. Rev. Obinna Ulogwara will be coming back to St. Maelruain's to preach. The Children's Harvest service will be on Sunday 17th at 11.00am

Retirement Club

It has been suggested by a parishioner that we get a Retirement Club up and going in St. Maelruain’s. The Small Hall is available on Fridays or perhaps following 1st Wednesday of the month Holy Communion we could have a club and if successful hold the mid week Holy Communion service more regularly. If anybody has any ideas or suggestions please contact me - William

086 806 3657

Noticeboard Sunday 29th August 2010

Sun 29th 8.30am Holy Communion.

11.00am Morning Prayer.

7.00pm Insitutuion of Rev. Obinna Ulogwara as bishop's curate in St. George & St. Thomas, Cathal Brugha St. (at the side of the Gresham Hotel, O'Connell St.).

Wed 1st 11.00am First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying on of hands for the sick.

Sat 4th CAR BOOT SALE in the car park of the parish centre. sellers are advised to arrive at 8.00am. Cars €10 and Vans €15.

Sun 5th 8.30am Holy Communion.

11.00am Holy Communion.