Church of Ireland (Anglican Communion), Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland
- St Maelruain's Parish
- Welcome to the St. Maelruain's Church of Ireland Community Blog. The Parish Office can be reached by telephone or Fax at 01-462-6006. Rector: Rev. William Deverell's mobile phone number is 086-803-0239. Auxiliary: Rev A. Bennett – 01-628-2353. You can email us at
Service Times
Service Times
Each Sunday8.30 am:
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.
11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
7.00pm Nine Lessons and Carols
Friday 24th December
Christmas Eve Holy Communion at 11.30pm
Saturday 25th December
Christmas Day
8.30am Holy Communion with Hymns
11.00am Family Holy Communion
Sunday 26th DecemberSt. Stephen’s Day
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Family Service
Friday 31st December
New Year’s Eve Multicultural Service at 11.00
On Tues 2nd November the I.T.T. prize giving took place in the church, which I opened. The conferral ceremonies took place in the basket ball arena on the following two days which I also attended.
Following the conferrals on the 3rd , I went to a ‘Let’s stop the demand for human trafficking’ conference to challenge men to stand up to the misuse of women.
On 7th November the Archbishop John Neill came to Tallaght for the confirmation of Anita and Benita Joseph, daughters of our Church warden Joseph. Their Mum, Beena, provided a delicious Indian lunch in the parish centre. It was a lovely occasion and it was possibly the last time we will welcome the Archbishop as he is retiring in January. This Sunday was also the date for the return of the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal, the returned boxes went to the new Irish lead ‘Team Hope’.
On Remembrance Sunday we had the act of remembrance with a bugler from the Tallaght Youth Band at a service at 10.45am before the 11am service. We hope that people will support the Tallaght Youth Band concert on Monday 6th Dec at 8,00pm in the Tallaght Community School, Balrothery.
I am delighted that a new principal has been appointed to our Parish School. Ms Berna Daly who, like our former principal Iris comes to us from Rathmichael Parish School, will take up her new post in January and we welcome her and wish her well.
We had a concert in the Church on 19th Nov. organised by and featuring Jim Ward. It was one of the nicest concerts that we have had in recent times, it was both spiritual and yet not too high brow. Unfortunately I had to leave early to attend the ‘Tallaght Person of the Year’.
I attended an International conference on anti Semitism and holocaust denial on 18th and 19th Nov. in Trinity College. I was horrified to find that the Jewish people have been hated and persecuted as long as there have been Jews, even in countries from where they were absent.
On 23rd CMS launched their new course on Local Mission called Discovery which we are considering using for Lent.
On 25th I took part in the Remembrance Mass in Kiltipper Nursing Home, which is an annual event.
May I take this opportunity to wish all the readers of the Losset a very happy Christmas and New Year. I look forward to seeing many of you at the various services over the Christmas period.
God bless William
Boy’s Brigade
Most of the members braved the freezing conditions to attend the enrolment service on Sunday 28th November.
We are very grateful to Peter O'Callaghan from the 1st Dublin Co, who played the organ in place of the band who were unable to make it from various parts of the city due to the snow. All the leaders along with an almost full turn out of boys were enrolled for the coming
year. Thank you to all who came to the service, which was followed by a cup of tea and some very nice home made goodies, most of which were made by leader Mark Parkhill.
On December 10th, we are expecting a visit from Santa to B.B. We have had a reliable tip off, so Anchor boys better be on their best behaviour between this and then............just in case!
On the same night, all sections will have their Christmas party to finish up this session.
We would be grateful if anybody in possession of any uniforms that are not in use would return them to the company, in order for them to be used by other members. Perhaps you have a uniform that was given to your child and he has not returned to BB. As new uniforms are expensive, we really need them back as soon as possible. Many thanks.
Mother’s Union
On 4th November Tallaght Mothers Union hosted refreshments following the 11.15am Service in Christ Church Cathedral.
We were very privileged to have Joy Gordon speak to us on 8th November and were also delighted to welcome some Clondalkin Members.Thursday 2nd December 11.15am….Mothers Union Communion Service in Christ Church Cathedral.
Friday 10th December….Christmas Sing Along…we would be very grateful for donations towards a raffle hamper.
Monday 13th December at 8pm we plan to have a Beetle Drive and
Festive Supper. Please remember to add your name to the list for our January night out!
Monday 10th January 2011 : “Christmas Night Out” – Venue The Grill Room, Maldron Hotel, Old Kingswood Village (first exit off N7 from Newlands Cross) The cost per two persons will be €65 which includes a bottle of house wine.
Advance notice of our February meeting on 14th February at 8pm when we will have a talk on Mindfulness. Any parishioners interested (male or female) will be most welcome to join us.
SAOIRSE , our local charity, continue to be very grateful for our monthly donations of day to day items. For December they would like black plastic sacks and bubble bath/shower gels or ladies nightwear. Please bring along on 13th December.
TEA Rota:
Monday 13th December: All Members to bring something festive.
Thank you Janet Edgely for co-ordinating the supper.
Monday 14th February: Mary Lucas
Wishing everybody a wonderful Christmas Season!
School News
We hope that everyone enjoyed the mid- term break and had a happy and safe Halloween
Before the Halloween break, we had a very generous donation of a new computer for the office from a local business man, Mr. Johnnie Lin. He very generously responded to a plea from
Karen, and we are delighted now to have a computer in the office that actually works! Mr. Lin spoke to the children at our Harvest Assembly on Thursday 21st October, and the staff and children were able to show our appreciation to him. At our Harvest Assembly the children brought in lots of food for the Simon Community, which was donated to their Shelter for homeless men and women. Well done to everyone for giving so much- we received a lovely letter from the Simon Community thanking us for the very kind donation. The Board Game Playing Day and the Fancy Dress Party on Friday 22nd October went really well, with 5th and 6th class providing plenty of Halloween games for the children to play. We raised the sum of €148 for Temple Street Hospital.
This year we have decided to support the Liberties Community in their bid to collect food for Christmas Hampers to give to the needy in our community. There will be a box in the school
porch for any items that you would like to donate, and the closing date for the collection of food is Friday 19th November.
We have plenty going on this month and next. Maths for fun is still running in 1st and 2nd Class. We will be starting the Maths for fun in the Infant classroom next so we will be looking for plenty of parents to volunteer. Ms. Boles and Ms. O’Donoghue along with Geraldine and various parents are doing a Power Hour every day with 5th and 6th Class focusing on English Literacy. The children are really enjoying it and have been promised a trip at the end of the Programme as a treat.
The Dental Nurse will be coming to the school on Friday 5th November to talk to parents in the Parents Room. All are welcome to attend for a chat, and a cuppa.
The children in 5th and 6th Class will be going on a field trip to the Croke Park Museum on Friday 5th November.
Next week will be a very busy one in our school. The Book Fair is coming and we will have our own Book Week. There are plenty of activities planned; including Shared Reading and a Storyteller, Mr. Liam Farrell will be coming
to visit as well. The children are busy at the moment reading lots of books for the Readathon which ends on 15th November.
On Thursday 25th November the school will close at 12p.m. for a staff meeting. The school will be closed on Friday 26th November for our annual shopping day.
The Christmas Bazaar, organised by the Parents Association will take place in school on Friday 3rd December. There will be raffle tickets going home soon, so please support the Bazaar in whatever way you can- by buying and selling tickets, by donating gifts and prizes
and by turning up on the day to pick up some bargains! The Bazaar is our main fundraiser of the year, and the money raised will all go towards reducing the cost of school trips for your children.
The Carol Service in St. Maelruain’s Church will take place on Sunday 19th December. We hope to have a great turn out on the day.
All children will be going to the Civic Theatre on Friday 17th December to see ‘Scrooges Christmas’.
The school will close at 12p.m. on Thursday 23rd December for the Christmas Holidays!! That seems a long way off at the moment!!
Bowling Club
“Congratulations to our Miller team who progressed to the second round of their competition. Their next match is drawn against Castleknock Club (away) on Saturday 15th Jan. Our Hope team got a ‘bye’ to the second round, and play Clontarf Club at home on Tuesday 4th. Jan.
Our McIllwaine and Rohu teams are progressing very well. We wish all out teams the best of luck in their matches.
Our Christmas Dinner is on 17th.Dec. at Lucan Golf Club, kindly arranged by Denis and Ann Kane. The Club reopens in the New Year on Tuesday 4th. Jan. May we wish everyone a Very
Happy Xmas and Peaceful New Year
Our November Drive was held on Monday 15th with a good crowd in attendance.
Thanks to Mary Liucas and Hendrikje Mahon who helped on the night.
Items for our raffle each month are much appreciated.
Our Christmas Drive will be held on Monday 20th December in the Parish Centre at 8pm.
Wishing all our players a happy Christmas and New Year.
Monday, 22 November 2010
Sunday 28th November
8.30am Holy Communion. Romans 13: 11 – 14 Matthew 24: 36 - 44
Pg. 1140 Pg. 994
11.00am Girl’s Brigade and Boy’s Brigade Enrolment Service.
Tuesday 30th
7.45pm Music Group practice in the church, singers and musicians welcome.
Wednesday 1st December
11.00am First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying on of hands for the sick.
Friday 3rd December
7/ 7.30pm Essential Youth Carol Service in Christchurch Cathedral for at least secondary school age.
Sunday 5th December
8.30am Holy Communion.
11.00am Holy Communion.
Monday 6th December
2.15pm Parish primary school Board of Management meeting, Kilclare Ave.
8.00pm Tallaght Youth Band Christmas Concert, Tallaght Community School, Balrothery. €10 / €5.
Friday 10th December
7.00pm Christmas Sing Along.
Sunday 12th December
8.30am Holy Communion.
11.00 Morning Prayer.
Monday 13th
8.00pm Mother’s Union, Beetle Drive.
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Noticeboard 17th October
7.45pm Music Group practice, singers and musicians welcome.
Opening service for Dublin Diocesan Synod in Taney followed by Synod at 5pm.
Music group practice in the church singers and musicians welcome.
4.00pm Opening service for Dublin Diocesan Synod in Taney followed by Synod at 5pm. Synod continues on Wednesday at 500pm.
Wednesday 20th
7.30pm Cheeverstown ‘social volunteering’ in Templeogue Tennis Club.
494 3765 for more information.
Thursday 21st October
7.00pm Ireland from St. Patrick to the reformation, why we the Irish are different. Tallaght Library.
Friday 22nd
11.00am Dublin Flower Festival runs from Fri 22nd – Mon 25th from 11am – 6pm in Dublin Central Mission, Lwr Abbey St. (opp. LUAS stop).
Saturday 23rd
Crossroads 20’s+ (C of I) singles group invite you to a fun weekend jazzing in Cork, staying in the Middleton Park Hotel. Contact Alexander at 086 810 1881 for more info.
Sunday 25th
8.30am Holy Communion.
Flowers: Regina Donoghue & Heather Kennedy
11.00am Family Service. Tea / Coffee hosted by Claudia Hoareau and Liz Berkley in aid of a crèche in Uganda.
Mon 26th
Rector visiting Auschwitz from Mon – Thurs.
October Losset
Honorary Treasurer Needed!
An Honorary Treasurer is needed for the parish as soon as possible. If you
are interested or if you have any suggestions of someone suitable for this
Honorary position, please contact the Rector at 086 803 0239.
October: Regina Donoghue & Heather Kennedy November: Iris Harley &Victoria Osoho
The Church will be decorated for Harvest on Fri 15th October from 2pm – 4pm. Donations of flowers, fruit, vegetables and greenery gratefully accepted! A warm welcome awaits anyone who would like to come along and help.
Confirmation Classes
Confirmation Classes will be beginning shortly. If you are interested in
Confirmation for your child please contact the Rector as soon as possible at
086 803 0239. The date for the Confirmation Service has been set for Sunday 7th November at 11.00am.
Our first drive of the new season was held on Monday 20th September
with a small crowd in attendance.
Thanks to Patricia Slack and Eileen Dunne who helped on the night. Donations for our raffle each month are always appreciated.
Our next drive will be held on Monday 18th October in the small hall at 8.00pm sharp. – George Furney.
Janet Edgely has kindly organised helpers for the kitchen for the coming months:
October: Muriel and Alex Bryan. November: Mary Lucas and Hendrjka Mahon.
December: All hands on deck for the Christmas ‘Turkey Drive’. January: Billy and
Anne Gould. Helpers needed for remaining months of the ‘Whist’ season! Contact
Janet Edgely at 087 294 3964 if you would like to help.
Mother's Union
Our Opening Service was held on 13th September at 8pm when Rev. Avril Bennett spoke to us on Count Your Blessings. We were very pleased to have 18 present at our opening meeting.
Diary Dates:
16th October (Saturday): Outing on Viking Splash OR if weather not suitable to Dubliana. Valerie already has a list of those planning to come along.
4th November: 11.15am Holy Communion Christ Church Cathedral (Tallaght, Malahide, Finglas, Kill o’ the Grange)
8th November: 8pm: Joy Gordon, Diocesan President. We have invited members from Clondalkin to join us.
TEA ROTA: Oct: Not Applicable – Outing . 8th Nov: Regina Donoghue
We will continue to support SAOIRSE and having checked with them they have chosen the following donations for Oct
October : Kitchen paper towels.
SAOIRSE send their sincere greetings and thank us for our commitment.
SUBSCRIPTION: Annual Subscription €25 : payable to Pam Stroughair as soon as possible.
We have patterns for matinee jackets for premature babies
and hats should anyone be interested in knitting for M.U.
projects. Valerie Deverell & Miriam Gibney.
School News
Welcome back to everyone! A special welcome back to our new 12 children in Junior Infants and 1 child in 1st class and of course all their parents. We have 79 children on roll this year.
We have had a lot of changes in our school over the summer holidays! Our wonderful Principal, Ms. Iris McMenamin retired officially on the 31st August and has been replaced by Mrs. Edel Beckett who is Acting Principal while also taking Junior and Senior Infants. Ms. Caroline Rountree, our Acting Deputy Principal is staying with 1st and 2nd Class, while Ms. Linda Morrow is replacing Ms. Annette Boles in 3rd and 4th Class for the year. Ms. Boles is taking on the role of Learning Support Teacher this year while Ms. Barnes is on career break. 5th and 6th Class are delighted to welcome their new teacher from Kerry, Ms. Marie O’ Donoghue. Mr. Séamus Vaughan will be with us again this year as Home School Teacher. We are delighted to have him back for another year. We wish everyone well in their new roles.
Short Tennis and swimming is well back up and running by now. Homework Club starts back on
Monday 27th September. Wayne Kelly from Rugby League will be taking 4th – 6th Classes for training once a week for the next six weeks.
This year the teachers will be doing special training with Discover Science. We will be doing lots of science experiments which we will pass on to the children. This will definitely make our science lessons very interesting this year!
Mrs. Beckett and Ms. Rountree are taking their classes to Corkagh Park on Friday 24th September for a nature walk. Fingers crossed we get a sunny day!
Children from J.I. to 2nd Class and 5th and 6th Class will be visiting Tallaght Library during October to take part in various activities during the Book Festival. 3rd and 4th class will be going to the Print Museum on Friday 8th October.
The classroom Parents’ Meetings will take place before the end of September.
On Friday 8th October the teachers and ten children from 5th and 6th Class will be going to Christ Church Cathedral for the start of year service.
We are as busy as ever here in St. Maelruain’s! See you next month!
Bowling club
The Bowling Club re-opened on 21st. Sept. and all members are welcome back after the summer break. Three club members attended the Bowling Association AGM in Clontarf on Tuesday 21st. Sept., where Mr. Bill Semple was elected President for the coming season. We look forward to a friendly match with Baltinglass Club in early October. We wish all our teams success in their League matches, which will be commencing shortly.
The Bible Society, Scripture Union and Wycliffe Bible Translations recently launched a bible reading ‘book’, E100. It is a Bible reading book based on 100 carefully selected readings, 50 from the Old Testament and 50 from the New Testament. It starts at Genesis and runs to Revelations. ‘E’ stands for essential. You’ll see how all the major Bible themes fit together. Each reading includes commentary written in a warm and inviting style, plus many opportunities to record your insights into God’s Word, whether you’re a new or experienced Bible reader. The idea is to establish the regular habit of bible reading, whether it be individually, within the family or in groups.
The world’s bestselling book, the Bible, is in danger of becoming the least read. If you simply want to grasp the big picture of what the Bible is all about I think E100 is a great opportunity for anybody who has an interest in the Bible to make it more meaningful to them.
The book E100 is available from The Scripture Union Shop, 68-69 Talbot Street, Dublin 1 (Tel: 836 3764), or from their other shop on 87 Lower Georges Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin (Tel: 280 2300) and also from The National Bible Society, 41 Dawson Street, Dublin 2 (Tel: 677 3272), either would gladly post the book out.
On 22nd September I attended a service to mark the 1st Anniversary for Ken Fetherston. Ken was a nephew of Anne Featherston who organised a Christmas concert in the Church annually. You may recall that Ken went missing and subsequently his body was found on St. Bridgit’s day in the Dublin mountains. The anniversary service was held in Mount Argus.
On 23rd September the ICA held a service to remember past members in Tymon North Community Centre which I attended. They have at least 5 parishioners from St. Maelruain’s as members. They also had the judging of their craft work.
Claudia Hoareau (who is the girlfriend of Liz Berkley’s son Jonathan) spoke to us in Church earlier this summer on her intended trip to Uganda. She has since returned and she will be coming back to visit on 24th November to host tea / coffee after the family service with donations going to fundraise for the roofing of a new crèche in Uganda where she had volunteered.
I am looking forward to our Harvest service and Obinna returning for a presentation on 15th October.
God Bless, William.
On Saturday 4th September the marriage of Robert Coleand Fleur Stringer took place here in St. Maelruain’s. We wish Robert and Fleur every future happiness.
On 31st August the burial of baby Marty Rigley took place. Marty’s parents are Hilary O’Halloran and Mark Rigley. Our sincere condolences to them both on their loss.
We had the baptism of Charlie Cox on 18th September. Charlie is the baby son of Wendy Kane and Brian Cox. Please pray for Charlie and his family as he begins his Christian life.
Our Harvest service will take place on Friday 15th October at 8pm. Rev. Obinna Ulogwara will be returning to Tallaght for the evening for a presentation from the parish. The service will be followed by tea / coffee in the Parish Centre.
On Sunday 17th at our 11.00am service we will have our Children’s Harvest.
There will be a ‘Hymns and Sacred Music’ concert in the Church on 19th November at 8.00pm. Free admission with a retiring collection in aid of BOTHAR.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Sun 26th 8.30am Holy Communion.
Family Service.
Tues 28th ‘Express Alpha’, includes lunch, in St. Ann’s Church, Dawson Street, runs for 10 weeks. 1.00pm – 1.50pm.
Wed 29th 8.00pm Mother’s Union festival service in Castleknock Church.
Sun 3rd 8.30am Holy Communion.
11.00am Holy Communion.
Thurs 30th 8.00pm Safeguarding trust teacher training in Athy Parish Centre.
Sun 3rd 8.30am Holy Communion.
11.00am Holy Communion. Flowers: Regina Donoghue & Heather Kennedy.
Wed 6th 11.00am First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying on of hands for the sick.
Fri 8th 7.30pm Diocesan Primary School Service in Christchurch Cathedral.
Monday, 12 July 2010
September Losset
On 12th June, which was a beautiful day, we had ourannual Summer Sale. Many thanks to Ronnie Scott who co-ordinated the sale and to all those who helped in anyway to help make the sale a success, we almost matched last year’s figure.
God bless, William
Bowling Club
The Bowling Club starts its season on Tuesday 21st. September 2010 at 7.30pm. As always the club would welcome new members to the club and tuition will be given. If any parishioner would like to try their hand at bowling, you are very welcome to call in on any club night (Tuesday and Saturday nights at 7.30pm).
Mother's Union
We warmly welcome back our regular attendees and we would love to see some new faces join us? You will be most welcome. Why not take a peep at our Dublin website:
We hope most of our members have had an opportunity to see the Mothers Union Service led by Joy Gordon on Sunday 22nd August on television. This service portrayed the work of Mothers Union both here and overseas. Our parish was represented by Eileen Dunne. Did you spot her on screen?
Boy’s Brigade
B.B. will re open on Sept 10th when we will have a BBQ for all current members and their families. Staff members will have phoned all families who are asked to indicate how many will attend. Please note that we can only cater for people who have confirmed with us that they will attend. However, those that wish to bring along their own food to cook on the night are welcome also. We hope everybody will come along and get to know each other. There will be games in the hall for the children.
On 17th September we will officially re open Anchors 7.30pm – 8.30pm, Juniors 7.30pm – 9.00pm and Company Section 7.30pm – 9.30pm. Please note some new times.
Staff have been meeting to plan the next session. It looks like a busy one. Our enrolment service on Nov 28th will be a joint one with our Girl’s Brigade Company.
For further information on B.B. please phone John at 4522930 after 6pm. Welcome back everybody!
Girl’s Brigade
Explorers section of Girl’s Brigade will start back after the summer break Saturday 11th September and Junior and Senior Girl’s Brigaders will start back on Wednesday 15th. New members welcome! Please contact Captain Carol Fox at 295 3574 for more information.
The new season of Whist Drives will commence on Monday 20th Sept at 8pm sharp.As all proceeds from these Drives go to Parish funds, your support is needed.
Donations for our raffle are always much appreciated.
Table Tennis
The St. Maelruain’s Table Tennis Club starts back
on Thursday 16th September at 8.00pm. If you are interested in joining the Club please contact Andrew Seymour on 451 2403 for more information.
Badminton Club
The Adult badminton Club will restart on Monday 13th September. For more information please contact Deirdre Anderson on 464 0245
September: Liomia Hoffmeester. (I am looking for a volunteer to fill this slot for next year, male or female. If you would like to help out, please contact me, Janet Edgely on 087 294 3964 (Flower Guild co-ordinator)).
October: Regina Donoghue and Heather Kennedy
Thank you to the ladies of the parish who provided refreshments following the service.
The Archbishop will be visiting the parish on Sunday 7th November for Confirmation Service. If you would like your child to be Confirmed please contact the Rector as soon as possible as Confirmation classes will be starting soon. 086 803 0239.
Our Harvest service will take place on Friday 15th October at 8.00pm. Rev. Obinna Ulogwara will be coming back to St. Maelruain's to preach. The Children's Harvest service will be on Sunday 17th at 11.00am
Retirement Club
086 806 3657
Noticeboard Sunday 29th August 2010
Sun 29th 8.30am Holy Communion.
11.00am Morning Prayer.
7.00pm Insitutuion of Rev. Obinna Ulogwara as bishop's curate in St. George & St. Thomas, Cathal Brugha St. (at the side of the Gresham Hotel, O'Connell St.).
Wed 1st 11.00am First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion with laying on of hands for the sick.
Sat 4th CAR BOOT SALE in the car park of the parish centre. sellers are advised to arrive at 8.00am. Cars €10 and Vans €15.
Sun 5th 8.30am Holy Communion.
11.00am Holy Communion.