A special word of Thanks to Gail Sheridan who volunteered her services at our Christmas Drive and did trojan work and to Patricia Byrne who helped all year and has agreed to assist again in 2008.
Thanks also to my back up team of Sylvia Moody and Yvonne McGlynn, who look after the catering each month and also George and Hazel Walshe who help me prepare the Hall.
A big thank you to parishioners and friends who donate raffle prizes each month which enable us to make a donation to parish funds each year.
Again your continue support is much appreciated and our next Drive will be held in the small hall on Monday 18th February at 8pm. - Hon Sec. George Furney.
Thank you George for all hard work that you put into the Whist Drives each month. The Whist Drive made a sizable donation to the parish this year of €1,000.00 which is very much appreciated. – William.