The table tennis club re-opened in mid-January after an extended Christmas break due to examinations that were taking place in the main hall. The club is delighted to have attracted a number of new members and club nights are buzzing! We always have room for new players of all standards so if you come along you will be very welcome.
This year we have two teams competing in the United Churches Table Tennis League. The first team is in Division 1 and comprises Andrew Seymour, David Gibbons and Sharon Gibbons while the club’s second team plays in Division 2 and comprises Bobby Wilson, David Gould and Stuart Gould. Unfortunately, Stuart Gould picked up an injury playing soccer and the club wish him a speedy recovery. We would like to thank those players who have acted as substitutes for Stuart.
On Saturday 26th Jan., twelve members of the table tennis club competed in the annual UCTTL championships. This was a record number of members to have played in this tournament from our club. All those who played enjoyed the day.
Congratulations to Claire Burke and Anthony Iyere for getting to the finals of a number of competitions (finals to be held in Raheny on Tuesday 29th Jan.).
Finally, anyone interested in playing table tennis please come along to the main hall on Thursday nights from 8pm. Andrew Seymour, Hon. Secretary.
Church of Ireland (Anglican Communion), Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland
- St Maelruain's Parish
- Welcome to the St. Maelruain's Church of Ireland Community Blog. The Parish Office can be reached by telephone or Fax at 01-462-6006. Rector: Rev. William Deverell's mobile phone number is 086-803-0239. Auxiliary: Rev A. Bennett – 01-628-2353. You can email us at
Service Times
Service Times
Each Sunday8.30 am:
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.
11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer