Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Friday, 2 November 2012

Newsletter Nov 2012

November 2012

On Sunday 7th October we had our Girl’s Brigade 40th anniversary enrolment service. I was delighted to welcome back Rev. Sidney Laing, who was the Rector before last, here in St. Maelruain’s, to preach at the service.

We had our Harvest service on 12th October where Amy gave a talk, accompanied by photographs of her recent trip to Uganda with Fields of Life (for anyone who would have liked to have heard her but couldn’t make it on the night, she will be speaking to the Mother’s Union on Mon 12th November at 8.00pm). We were joined by Fr. Albert Leonard from St. Aongus, Balrothery, who we were delighted to welcome. I would like to thank Regina Donoghue and the ladies who decorated the church so beautifully for Harvest, the church looked lovely.

On the following Sunday we had the Boy’s Brigade Enrolment service along with Children’s Harvest.  The Gospel on the day was ‘The rich young ruler’ who was told to sell his possessions to give to the poor, we are lucky that God only asks us for 10% giving!

On 19th October, in my capacity as part time chaplain, I attended a dinner dance in the ITT to mark the 20th anniversary of the college which was held in the student canteen. It was lovely to meet the staff both present and retired.

We look forward to a busy month ahead with planning now in full swing for our Christmas Sing Along on Friday 30th December.

We are holding a Gift Day on 18th November and I would encourage each and every one of you to give as generously as you possibly can, as we face an uncertain future.

God bless                                                                                                                                                                               William.

We are having a Gift Day on Sunday 18th November.   Our treasurer has informed the Vestry that if our situation continues as present, we will have RUN OUT OF FUNDS BY THE END OF THE YEAR even though we have cut back spending to what is absolutely necessary and have cut staff hours and salaries. Two tenants who used the hall have pulled out and we no longer run car boot sales due to competition with larger sales in the Tallaght area. The loss of these tenants / car boot sales alone is €10,000 per year. The financial burdens we are all feeling in the current climate have had an extremely negative effect on parish income. This is your parish, please do what you can to help. Do you want to have a Church of  Ireland in Tallaght?  There are over 250 families on the Parish List, most of whom are not regular worshipers in Church on Sundays but who do still describe themselves as Church of Ireland and who avail of the Church for occasions such as baptisms, weddings and funerals.  We encourage ALL parishioners to take a genuine look at their giving and try to increase it. Parishioners will receive a letter in the coming week on how they can donate to Gift Day. You can spread your giving out over the year by standing order. THE FUTURE OF TALLAGHT CHURCH IS WITH YOU, THE PARISHIONERS, please give as generously as possible.   Thank you.

We have been meeting in the parish centre to pray for the parish’s financial situation on Monday evenings from 8.00pm until 9.00pm. We have now been joined by people from neighbouring churches who we are praying for as well.
The format is to begin with readings and intercessions so that we are not looking at each other wondering what to pray about.

A bible study group has been meeting on Wednesday evenings to study the readings for the following Sunday, we have now decided to hold this study group on Monday evenings at 9.00pm following the prayers for the parish in the Parish Centre. All welcome.

The Diocesan Growth Conference took place on 6th October in The High School, Rathgar. There were clergy and four representatives from each parish attending. If you would like to read a report on the conference log onto

The church will be decorated with flower in the month of November by Miriam Gibney and Iris Harley and in December by Hendrekja Mahon and Vivienne Bright.

Our enrolment service took place in October, when all Officers and members were enrolled for the coming year. We had a full turn out of boys for the service which was followed by a cup of tea and a chat in the hall afterwards. We had a retiring collection for the Laura Lynn Childrens Hospice which raised €250. Very many thanks to all who gave to the collection for this very worthy cause. We have received a letter of thanks from Jane Mc Kenna, founder of the Laura Lynn Hospice, which can be seen on our notice board in the parish centre.

The following  
Sunday, some of our members attended the Founders Day service in St. Annes Church in Dawson Street. Thank you to all parents and boys who came along to represent our Company at the service.

October, the Batallion held a drill demonstration in the Parish Centre, by kind permission of the Bowls Club.

Once again thank you to all the ladies and gents who turned up for our coffee mornings.  We are delighted that our little event is being enjoyed by so many of our (dare I say, older?) parishioners who all enjoy a cuppa and a chat, a little reminiscing and sharing of stories.  Our next coffee morning will be a week earlier, on Friday 23rd November,10am-12.00 in the Old Hall.   Barbara Barrett.

The November whist drive will take place on Monday 19th November in the small hall at 8.00pm, all welcome.

‘The crafty chatters’ continue on the first Tuesday of each month from 2pm – 4.30pm. Come along with whatever craft you are working on, all welcome! In November we are meeting on Tuesday 6th.

Joe, who sings in our Music Group is looking for secondary school age kids + for the musical drama group ‘Now and Then’ for a production of ‘Joseph and his Technicolour Dream Coat’. The group meets in the church on Monday evenings from 7.30 – 9.00pm and in the small hall on Thursdays also between 7.30pm – 9.00pm. If interested, contact William on 086 803 0239.

The Christmas Sing Along date has bee set for Friday 30th November in the Parish Centre at 7.30pm. Please do what you can to support this event, sell, buy raffle tickets, donate to the refreshments (mince pies, wine etc)  and to the Gift Stall (contact Gail Sheridan at 451 4233) and please come on the night, bring your family and friends, it is a lovely social occasion to get you into the spirit of Christmas!   Contact Ronnie Scott  at 086 804 50 90 for your raffle tickets etc.

The parish email has had to be changed as our server,, will no longer be available from 7th November. Our new email address is

Sunday Services
 8.30am Service          Holy Communion each Sunday.               11.00am  Service   Holy Communion: 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.            Morning Prayer: 2nd  and 5th Sundays of each month.
 Family Service: 4th Sunday of each month.

1st Wednesday of  each month Holy Communion with laying on of hand for the sick at 11.00am