Service Times

Service Times

Each Sunday

8.30 am
Holy Communion in Small Hall of Parish Centre.

11.00 am:
1st Sunday Holy Communion
2nd Sunday Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday Holy Communion
4th Sunday Service of The Word - Family Service
5th Sunday Morning Prayer

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Rector's Letter

A Word from William...

On the afternoon of 25th January the local Christian Unity Week service took place in St. Dominic’s, Old Bawn. It was a lovely service and it was followed by leisurely fellowship at the tea / coffee afterwards.

In February we said a sad farewell to our longstanding parishioners Stuart and Eileen Whitten. They have sold their home in Templeogue and have moved to Nenagh, Co Tipperary to be closer to their daughter Lynn and family. Stuart and Eileen were faithful worshipers here in St. Maelruain's all their married lives and founded the parish Bowling Club. Eileen organised the Flower Guild until just a few years ago as well as always being gladly on hand for any parish event. Stuart and Eileen were always very supportive to the Boy’s Brigade, Stuart being a former Captain. I will miss them and wish them every future happiness in their new home.

We welcomed back to the parish Lettie Morrow in February. She is now resident in Kiltipper Woods nursing home. We hope that she will be happy there and trust that parishioners will visit her.

At the beginning of February, Valerie and myself were invited to the Tallaght District Credit Union’s 40th annual dinner in the Maldron Hotel.

Our joint Alpha course started in the contact centre in St. Dominic’s on Wednesday 11th February with a meal.

Sunday 22nd was family service and was followed as usual by refreshments in the main hall which were hosted by John and Annama Samuel to celebrate their 16th wedding anniversary and to give thanks for John’s recovery from his illness. Thanks to John and Annama for the lovely spread and to the other Indian Parishioners who helped them.

God Bless William

Prayers From Our Archbishop

In the Archbishop’s Letter published in the March Church Review magazine he quoted the following prayers that may help people through the difficult times that we face ahead. He found the prayers on the Church of England web site

“One of the key contributions that we can each make as individuals and as churches is to pray. We can and must pray about our own difficulties and about the crises that others face as well” + John Dublin and Glendalough.

Lord God, we live in disturbing days: across the world, prices rise, debts increase, banks collapse, jobs are taken away, and fragile security is under threat. Loving God, meet us in our fear and hear our prayer: be a tower of strength amidst the shifting sand, and a light in the darkness; help us receive your gift of peace, and fix our hearts where true joys are to be found, in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

‘Redundant’ – the word says it all- ‘useless, unnecessary,
without purpose, surplus to requirements.’

Thank you, Heavenly Father, that in the middle of the sadness, the anger, the uncertainty, the pain, I can talk to you. Hear me as I cry out in confusion, help me to think clearly, and calm my soul, as life carries on, may I know your presence with me each and every day. And as I look to the future, help me to look for fresh opportunities, for new directions. Guide me by your Spirit, and show me your path, through Jesus, the way, the truth and the life. Amen.

Anti Litter Campaign

Anti Litter Campaign

Tallaght Spring Clean Week

6th – 11th April

Run by

(Tallaght Against Litter Campaign)

TALC was set up as a result of the very poor rating for Tallaght in the Nationally run Businesses Against Litter.


The funeral of Jean Poole took place here in St. Maelruain's on February 5th . We extend our condolences to her children Johnathan, Jenny and Lesley and to the rest of her family and friends.


The baptism of Johanna Jantja Eve took place on the afternoon of 1st March. We welcome Johanna, baby daughter of Jack and Natasha (nee Hutchinson) Poppema.

Parish Dance

Unfortunately due to rising costs, lack of interest and the present uncertain times it has been decided to cancel the parish dance that had been planned for Saturday 28th March.

St. Patrick's Evening Concert

The Irish Variety Ensemble are having a Brass and Reed concert in the Church at 8.00pm on St. Patrick’s evening in aid of the Church Roof Fund. The concert will be followed by refreshments in the small hall.

Easter Sunday Concert

12th April, Easter Sunday at 8.00pm there will be a Concert in the Church featuring the Swedish young musicians, FIKA along with LONNRA who are a group of Irish musicians.

Lenten Services

Lenten Services continue throughout Lent with a service each evening of Holy Week at 8pm. The topics covered over the Lenten services are:
10th March Who am I ?
18th March Who is God to me?
25th March Healing prayer.
1st April Journeying on.

There will be services each night of Holy Week at 8.00pm.

Mothering Sunday

Don’t forget Mothering Sunday on 22nd March (which also happens to be family service). An opportunity to show your Mother how much you care!

Bible Puzzle

Vivienne Bright has a bible puzzle that she is selling for €2.00 a sheet in aid of the Church Roof Fund, there is a small prize. The sheets are available from Vivienne, from the Church Wardens or the parish office (462 6006). You can return your completed sheets to Vivienne or drop them into the letter box of the Sexton’s house.

Archdeacon Edgar Swann

There is a farewell evensong planned for the Archdeacon of Glendalough Edgar Swann on Sunday 8th March at 3.30pm in Christchurch Cathedral followed by refreshments and presentation in the Crypt.

Clock goes forward

The Clock Springs Forward on Sunday 29th March.

Reminder: Easter Vestry

Reminder: The Easter Vestry will take place on Sunday 18th April following a shortened Morning Prayer service.

Boys' Brigade

Preparations are continuing for our display, on April 25th, while junior section are working on an item for the drama competition. We are looking forward to a visit from Dublin Fire Brigade in early March. They will bring a fire engine along and show and explain all the equipment and it’s uses.

With the weather warming up and the evenings getting longer, we will be heading out into the hills for a hike or two.

Once again, we are appealing for new leaders for the year beginning in September next, to replace leaders stepping down. We have a serious shortage of leaders in the company and without the required number to comply with regulations, the company may have difficulty remaining open. We need committed people for Friday nights. Good leadership skills are essential and B.B experience would be helpful, though training courses are held on a regular basis. Please consider offering help. For further information, please contact John at 4522930 after 6pm.

Mothers' Union

On Monday 9th February we had our very own Ronnie Wallace speak to us on Turkey. Ronnie showed us an excellent presentation he prepared and spoke of the cultural history of ancient Turkey. Many thanks Ronnie from all of us

Next meeting will be on 9th March when Claire Missen, Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy will speak to us on “Relationship Matters.”

As always, our meeting is open to anyone who cares to attend - you will be most welcome.

SAOIRSE were most grateful for the selection of baby products handed in to them following our February meeting. We are really pleased with the support and enthusiasm of our members for what will be an ongoing project.

For March they would like anti bacterial hand wash.

Finally, for those of you having celebrations during the month can we again remind you of the cards available in the porch, crafted by some of our members, in aid of the Roof Fund…please support their efforts!

Date for your Diary:
24th March - Mother’s Union Award
& Variety Show National Concert Hall


Our February drive was held on Monday 16th with a reasonable crowd. Thanks to Liz Norris for her help on the night.

Also thanks to all who donate raffle prizes each month, your support is much appreciated.

Our next whist drive will be on Monday 16th March in the small hall at 8.00pm - Hon. Sec. George Furney.

Sunday School

The previously postponed ‘BRAINARAMA’ will now take place on Sunday 29th March in Castleknock Parish Centre from 3.00pm – 5.00pm.

School News

We were notified just before we broke for the Christmas Vacation that we are to have a Whole School Evaluation (WSE) before the end of the academic year. Now we have been informed that it fact it will take place the week starting the 23rd February. This is immediately after the mid-term break.

Ms. Erica Mulholland, our DEIS (Developing Equality of Opportunity in Schools) facilitator came in to the classrooms on Tuesday 20th January doing some Maths for Fun. The children loved it! Erica will be returning on three consecutive Thursday to do Writing Recovery Training with the individual members of staff.

The children in 5th and 6th class participated in the West Tallaght Credit Union Table Quiz on Friday 30th January. One of our teams came in 4th place. Well done!

Four children from 5th and 6th class went to a discussion forum on Wednesday 4th February, Callum Street, Anastasia Kychygina, Sarah McAllister and Seán Berry Cronin. This is organised by South Dublin County Council, Comhairle na nÓg and is a wonderful opportunity for children to have their voices heard.

The 5th and 6th class visit to Croke Park was a great success on Thursday 5th February, the workshop was on Setanta and it was great fun. The Irish rugby team had a training session but we weren’t allowed to watch!

Bowling Club

Our League matches are almost finished for this season. We wish our Rohu team good luck in their next match.

Building work has commenced on the storage extension to the rear the Main Hall. This will replace the existing storage containers, and make life easier for all clubs in moving equipment into and out of our hall. May we thank all those who are helping with the work.

The Indoor Bowling Association annual dinner takes place on Friday 3rd. April next in the Stillorgan Park Hotel. Members wishing to attend should give their names to our Club Captain without delay.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Noticeboard 15/03/2009

St. Maelruain’s Church of Ireland, Tallaght Village
Rector: Rev. William Deverell – 086 80 30 239
Shared Curate Rev Obinna Ulogwara – 495 8710 Auxiliary Priest Rev A. Bennett – 628 2353

Sunday 15th March 2009
Holy Communion

Sun 15th, 3rd Sunday of Lent
8.30am Holy Communion. St. Patrick's Confession.

11.00am Holy Communion.

12.00pm Summer Sale planning meeting.

Mon 16th
8.00pm Whist Drive in the small hall.

Tues 17th
11.00am St. Patrick's Day Holy Communion Service.

8.00pm Irish Variety Ensemble Brass and Reed Band concert in aid of the Church Roof Appeal.

Wed 18th
8.00pm Lenten Service. Topic: Who is God to me?

Sun 22nd
4th Sunday of Lent
8.30am Holy Communion

11.00am Family Service and Mothering Sunday. Tea / Coffee after church in aid of the Sunday School Socienty project, "Sightsavers".

Tues 24th
8.00pm Mothers' Union Project Awards and Variety Show in the National Concert Hall.

7.30pm Financial training for School Chairmen, Treasurers and Parent Representatives in the College of Education, Rathmines.

Wed 25th
8.00pm Lenten Service. Topic: Healing prayer.

Sun 29th
5th Sunday of Lent
8.30am Holy Communion
11.00am Morning Prayer.

The clock goes forward (we lose an hour)

3.00pm Brainarama in Castleknock Parish Centre. All Primary School age children. 3.00pm - 5.00pm.

Tues 31st
7.30pm Financial training for School Chairmen, Treasurers and Parent Representatives in Killiney Parish School, Wyvern Rd., Glenageary.

Wed 1st
11.00am First Wednesday of the month Holy Communion and laying on of hands for the sick.

8.00pm Lenten Service. Topic: Journeying on.

Parents: T.V video showing Christian cartoons in vestry should your younger children require. Parents may continue to listen to the service on the vestry loudspeaker.